Ch 12

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Sav and I sat in her guest room. She helped me unpack the things She brought into drawers. We sat in silence for while. Was all of that real? Did she mean what she said? What about Sylvia? What is gonna happen if she finds out? I was startled out of my thoughts by Sav placing her hand on my shoulder and looking down at me. "Whatever your thinking, you can tell me, we can handle anything that comes to us. I know we can."

I nodded, looking back at her. "I guess I'm just not used to having someone else in my life yet." I let out a light chuckle. "Everything you have done means a lot to me, this is just something I have to get used to."

She smiled softly. "That's okay, we can take our time and go slow with this, however you want to approach things is okay with me."

"Why are you doing this for me? It doesn't quite make sense to me." I questioned.

Sav tilted her head. "I love you that's why."

"Even with everything? Sylvia?"

"None of that matters to me." She shook her head. "You are what matters to me. Even if I didn't, I cant bear to watch you struggle with something caused by my sister. You deserve better than that."

"So what do I do now?"

"You stay with me for a few days and see if you like it. If you don't you can back to your old place, if you do, we can slowly move your stuff until your lease is over."

I nodded. I guess that's easy enough, if we move things too fast I can just back out right? "What about your sister? Does she ever come around here?"

"Unfortunately, there is a family gathering here every six months or so, but other than that she really doesn't come around much."

My leg bounced as I pondered more questions. "Wait, so what do I do? Just stay out of the house?"

"You could do that, or I could hide you in this room and lock it so no one can get in here. Or I could just do your makeup and make you look different."

That last part made me cringe slightly. I sighed. It is going to happen, you knew that the second Silvia got bailed out of jail. If you come face to face with her, you have to be strong. You have to be... A shiver rippled up my spine. Sav hugged me and gently rubbed my back. I took a deep breath and smelled her scent.

She pulled away from me, giving a reassuring smile, before finishing with my things. "Hey, I could have finished those."

She waved me dismissively. "Don't worry, I got it."


I sat in the bedroom, taking time to properly process the things that had happened. Is this really happening? Am I really letting it happen? I really love her but is this really a good idea? I want her so bad but I can't bring myself to see what would happen if Sylvia were to have anything to do with it, I'd be destroyed if I figured out she was behind this. Is this really a good idea? No. Stop thinking like that. You want this, take it. You deserve it so do it.

I heard the door open, Sav came in with a glass of water. "I wanted to check up on you to make sure you were doing okay. You've been in here for awhile."

I smiled gently and took the water, examining it. "Thank you for checking on me, I'm okay."

"Don't worry, I promise it's alight." She said, seeing how I looked at the glass.

I nodded and took a drink. Everything is fine. "Thank you."

Sav shook her head. "You don't have to thank me. I want to do this for you, after all, I love you."

I smiled. "Yeah, I love you too."

Sav gave a satisfied smile and kissed me on the cheek, moving her hand to my back for a brief moment. "If you need anything else don't be afraid to ask."

"I won't, Right now I think I'm okay."

"Just remember to get some rest, it's getting late."

I checked the small alarm clock beside the bed. 11 already? How long was I zoned out for? "I will, if you need anything I'll be in here."

"Please contact me if you have any more issues."

Any more? Is she talking about the nightmares? or the other things that have happened? What does she know? Sav kissed my forehead and got up, giving me one last look before walking out the door, shutting it behind her. I really should start paying more attention. I sighed and laid down, pulling the warm blankets over me.


My body felt heavy as I stumbled around, the cold of the basement giving my arms and leg goosebumps. I felt dizzy and disoriented, not knowing where I was, but knowing I had to get out. I knew something was wrong. I breathed heavily as I tried to get my bearings back, feeling the walls, desperately looking for some kind of hallway or doorway. My thoughts were jumbled and I desperately tried to untangle them to find a way out. My lip quivered as fear overtook me. I began searching harder, stumbling more, trying to find something, anything that could get me out. The confusion presented itself as my thoughts screamed. Tears threatened in my eyes as thoughts raced. "Did she do this? I thought she loved me. Was it all fake? Am I kidnapped? Will anyone ever find me? Will I ever get out of here? What is this? What am I going to do?" I stumbled and fell to my knees, tears dipping onto the floor as I hopelessly sobbed. I felt my way to the wall and leaned my back against it, pulling my knees to my chest. "Is this the end?" My body became tired, my eyes fighting to stay open. I could feel my thoughts become jumbled again as my crying slowed, exhaustion taking over.


I gasped and jumped out of bed, my body hitting the wall. A gross feeling started in my stomach so I stumbled my way into the bathroom, hitting the wall a few times on the way. I turned on the bathroom light and fell to my knees, kicking the door closed. I felt it rise into my throat before suddenly coming out of my mouth, bitter and sharp tasting. My stomach lurched as more contents came out, leaving a sharp tingle in the back of my throat. My eyes watered with the sharp smell. I jumped as I heard the bathroom door open. "Oh my god are you okay??" Sav knelt beside me and softly held my hair back as I finished. I wiped my mouth, still very dizzy. Sav released my hair and pulled me into a tight hug. "Baby it's okay. Breathe, feel my skin, listen to my voice. Just breathe. You're okay."

I sat there, sobbing, waiting for this feeling to go away.

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