Reiji Sakamaki x reader-request- lemon

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This was a request that I was pretty anxious about since I hadn't finished the anime but I hope you guys enjoy it! Oh yeah I gave the last Name Ryoshi Because it mean's hunter in Japanese and I thought it would be fun since you are one in the story.)

Y' ns Pov.  The last thing I remember was walking back from the market with tea and such after a long day of researching into the recent activity's of the vampires and what exactly they were planning. I was a vampire hunter in training after all so naturally I was aware of my surrounding's... atleast that's what I thought but as I was walking towards my front door someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth with some type of cloth, that's when everything went black and I knew for sure that I had been in danger. I awoke to a man wear a black and red suit with plum purple hair. He was very easy on the eye's until I realized he was a vampire! Crap... this was really bad... I devised a plan as I realized he was the son of the very vampire family I was investigating.

He wasn't just any vampire he was the second oldest son of the king of the vampires.. Karlheinz Sakamaki.. the vampire who sat before me was Reiji Sakamaki. His Pale Magenta eyes practically pierced into the very essence of my soul as he sat in the chair right in front of me. Of course I finally broke the silence by sitting up from what I was assuming was his bed as I calmly asked. "Why have you brought me to your estate Mr. Sakamaki ? I'm sure you know I am merely observing you and you're family from a far.." I confessed the truth because I knew he would see right through my deceit.

"Truth be told Y'n even I'm not sure what you're doing here in my bed either.. My only conclusion is that It's my foolish brother Ayato's doing." He let out a low annoyed sigh as he pushed up his glasses. "Is this because I've been investigating the illegal capture of Yui Komori? You can try to kill me if you wish but I wont go out without a fight!" I prepared myself for his attack as I got ready to leap off the bed I could hear him clear his throat while letting out a soft chuckle.

"My apologizes but the expression on your face is quite admirable.. You simply don't understand that I have no intention on taking your life to me that would be a waste. After all you're the first mortal that's truly caught my interest ,considering the fact that you lack fear unlike the young lady you've claimed we've taken against her will." He now got up and walked over towards the bed causing me to fall off the bed.

I reached for my emergency wooden stick I had hide underneath my garter belt only to realize that one of those pervert's took it. "back away from me! I swear I'll.... " before I knew it he was right in front of me but to my surprise he placed his hand out for me to reach. "I truly don't understand your threat's.. you and I both know it's pointless because if I wanted to I could easily take your life.." He looked down at me with a rather soft yearning expression on his face.

Which in turn caused a small crimson blush to appear upon my face. "Alright... so mind explaining why you haven't deposed of me?" I asked regaining my composure as I gently took his hand I would squeeze it firmly to assert my dominance. He looked at me with a bored and smug expression as he pulled me up to his chest , he leaned close to my ear causing me to feel his warm breath against my ear.

Shivers went down my spine as he huskily whispered "I merely don't kill you because your mentor is involved with our families affairs.. I do not wish to cause trouble with everything still needing to be taken care of.. I also thought of your juvenile attempts to harm me as rather amusing so I'm considering my options so to speak." he chuckled softly at my sudden jolt away from him as I gave him a rather stern expression. 

"Don't make such gestures Mr. Sakamaki .. I do not wish to have my blood drained from my body please and thank you!" our hands were still interlocked so I naturally snatched my hands back as well. "All you vampire's desire is blood and lust I wont allow you to draw me into such temptation!" I squeaked as I control the blush on my face by looking away from him when he became too much for me. "Ms. Ryoshi was it? no need to ask how I know your full name because it's abruptly obvious that I've been aware of your presence for quite some time."

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