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It didn't take long before a huge trolley with our cake entered the room. It was absolutely beautiful. Everything was perfect and the cake matched my dress.

 Everything was perfect and the cake matched my dress

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I smiled and looked at Kookie. He had been smiling at me the whole time, watching my satisfied smile and facial expression.

, "You prepared all this?", to which he just gave me a satisfied nod. My smile widened and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed me tighter against him.

The cake was placed in front of our table. Then a waitress handed me a knife and bowed. I took the knife and walked over to the cake. Kookie followed right behind me.

He stood behind me and took my hands in his. I grabbed the knife and slowly put it to the top of the cake. Kookie just kept his hands down and let me do everything for both of us.

I then pushed down so I cut into the cake. Immediately, the crowd's applause rang through the room. I smiled and turned my gaze to Kookie. He was just looking contentedly at my person again.

He took the knife and handed it to the same waitress. He pulled my belt over to the couch where we sat straight down.

Immediately afterwards, two plates of cake were placed in front of us. Then they started passing out the plates of cake to the others. Of course we waited to see when everyone would get one.

As soon as they had all of them, they shifted their gaze to us. I've never been to a wedding, so I didn't know what was about to happen.

I figured it out the moment Kookie scooped a piece of his cake onto a fork and brought it up to my mouth. I smiled and opened my mouth. He immediately put the fork with the cake in it as well.

As soon as the cake was in my mouth, the taste of it spilled out on my tongue. It was so delicious and just perfect. Chocolatey with cinnamon and a little rum. But perfect.

Once I swallowed my portion of the cake, I scooped a piece of my cake onto my spoon. I picked up the fork and moved it to Kook's mouth. He repeated my action and slurped up a piece of cake.

After he swallowed the last mouthful, it stuck to my lips. Without objection, I began to return his kisses. And again I heard the applause. It's so magical.

When we pulled away from each other, we set about eating like everyone else around. I just hope the next meal isn't until tonight. If not, I'm about to burst.

As soon as we finished eating, the napkins took the plates away. So now the dancing part begins. I think I'm gonna throw the saber today. I can't even stand up.

"Shall we go dancing?", Kookie asked me, holding his hand out in my direction. I can't even imagine how much I'd love to go, but I don't need to burst yet.

'Kookie not now. I need to digest all this food. It was too much for me," I declared, grabbing my stomach. I don't know why, but I feel like it got bigger somehow. I'm going to be an elephant in a minute.

, "I see, you still haven't got used to big portions, huh?", I just nodded in response. I guess I've become anorexic. But I couldn't actually take anything. Well, what the hell now. I'm not going to dwell on it. It's just taking up my time.

"Okay. If you digest this, let me know right away. Then we'll dance together right away. In the meantime, I'm gonna go find my best sponsors. For now, just sit here", at that Kookie pressed a kiss into my hair and left to hunt for his sponsors.

I sat on the couch just as Kookie instructed me to. I watched the people on the dance floor laughing, talking or dancing together.

"Why are you sitting here all alone. Huh?" someone said behind my back. I jumped a little from laughter and turned to the person behind me. A young guy was standing there. Maybe around Kook's age. But what do I know.

, "Kookie went to find his sponsors and so I'm waiting for him here", I stated a little uncomfortable. It's not usual for me to talk to someone I don't know. I'm too scared for that.

"So I'm going to hurry up a bit. I'm one of his sponsors. Luhan my name", he smiled and extended his hand and put it in the position that kings used to give to their wives.

(I hope we understand each other).

'Joen Yoongi', I smiled back and put my hand in his. Right after that, he leaned down and kissed the back of my hand. Obviously he is a gentleman.

'Can we relate or shall I be formal. Of course, I push formality more in the work area, but I'd rather ask. I don't know about you,'' he reached up and looked me in the eye. I repeated his action. Respect and dominance sizzled from his eyes. I hope he'll be gone in a moment so I can breathe a sigh of relief.

'Feel free to relate. I don't see a problem with that," I tore my gaze away from him and took a sip from my unfinished champagne. I'm probably the only one with champagne left.

He also immediately offered to hang out with me until Jungkookie and his other sponsor returned. I accepted and we started talking.

We switched topics and got to know each other a bit more. I also found out that he was a year older than Kookie. He's 24. Young enough to live like this.

After about half an hour, I heard a cough behind me. It immediately got my attention and I turned to see the person who had taken my attention. How different than Kookie and some guy.

"I didn't expect to sit down with my husband right away. I would never have expected that with you", he laughed and sat down behind me. I immediately leaned against his chest and let out a contented sigh.

Luhan laughed and scratched his neck nervously. I must have missed something, but I don't care right now. Anyway, the guy stood right next to Luhan. I guess it must be the other sponsor.

'Yoonie, this is Kim Jan-Myeon. But everyone calls him Suho", Kookie said, and the named one shook my hand just like Luhan did at the beginning. I immediately put my hand on his and he kissed it in return.

'It's good to see you two together. You're obviously happy," Suho said with a smile. I blushed a little and bowed my head. He had hit the black.

We talked like this with the guys for some time. Suho is two years older than Kookie, but that doesn't seem to bother them. I also got to hang out with him and get to know him better.

I have to admit that Kookie has great sponsors.

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