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"Yoonie, let's start today so I can take care of you later", Kookie said as soon as we got to the living room. I knew it.

'Okay Kookie. Just don't let them catch you", I said and gave him a baby kiss. Just the thought of him getting caught breaks my heart. I can't handle raising a child alone.

'Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out. But you make yourself comfortable and rest for now. I'll be back in an hour", with that he took his prescription and left the house. And here I am again, alone with Holly. Classic.

I "ran "up the stairs to our room and changed into my home clothes there. That means shorts and a loose t-shirt. As soon as I was done, I returned to the living room.

I sat down in a Turkish sitting position and turned on the TV. It wasn't long before Holly appeared next to me. I smiled and placed him in my lap. I immediately started stroking him as well, waiting for my husband and Jim to come in.

After an hour, I heard the front door slam. I turned my head towards the door. I immediately put on a smile. Jimin was standing there with Kookie. Without hesitation, I put Holly down next to me and made my way over to them.

'God Yoongie. We haven't seen each other in almost four months and you're already pregnant? No excuses, we'll talk about it." as soon as he finished, he pulled me into his embrace, gently of course. I hugged him back.

'Good Jiminie', I laughed and pulled away from him. I took his hand and walked with him into the living room. I missed this little man so much.

, "So talk, especially tell me what you're waiting for", he started as soon as we sat down on the couch. I just laughed at that and nodded. Right after that, Kookie joined us and sat right behind me.

'You're more excited than when I found out I was expecting a boy. Healthy and strong," I smiled, and right then and there I was pulled into Jim's big, warm embrace. This man strikes me as more like a child than a mafioso.

'My God. That's amazing. He's definitely going to be beautiful after his "mom" and strong like his dad. You must not give birth without my presence. That's frowned upon," we all laughed at that.

We talked like that, for quite some time. The topic was mainly my son. But we were interrupted by the ringing of the bell. We all started at that moment. The guys pulled their guns out from under their belts. But I was just waiting for the worst.

"Honey, calm down. Don't stress, nothing will happen to you. Not to you, not to our son and not to me. I promise. You and Jimin go to your room and wait for me there. You, if you hear gunfire, you will hide Yoongi and come with me," Kookie, who had already stood up, declared. Jimin just nodded at that and stood up.

I picked up Holly in my hand and made my way to my room with Jimin. Jungkook went to the door right after that. Please don't let anything happen to him. I couldn't handle that.

When we got to the room, I put Holly on the floor and sat down at the piano. I started to feel pain. The little ones started kicking me and a lot harder. It really is after Kookie.

, "Yoongie, are you okay?", Jimin asked me as soon as he noticed my condition. I guess it's a normal question as I'm rubbing my tummy and breathing deeply.

'Y-yes. Only the little ones are starting to kick hard", I smiled and immediately leaned against the piano. Jimin sat down next to me and took my free hand in his. He then began to stroke it soothingly.

'Just breathe. Jungkook got me those medicines for you. I don't know what I can do to help you.", he immediately began to stress. All the mafia guys look tough but when it comes to the kid, they turn into the most gentle creatures on earth.

"That's good. It'll take a while and then it'll stop. Until now it has been like this", I declared and gave Jimin my smile. Of course he smiled back at me.

"I see you're having a good time without me", Jungkookie said as soon as he came to us after about half an hour. I immediately ran up to him and hugged him.

"Who was there?", Jimin asked after a moment of silence. That's exactly what I wanted to ask. Can he read my mind or is he some kind of fortune teller?

'Friends from other mafia groups. They brought me stuff for our son's room. They always come unannounced, so I didn't know they were coming. So the stuff is already in place, just waiting to be unpacked," Kookie said, stroking my back reassuringly.

"Great, what can I help you with?", I asked with a smile. I have to be at that job. Everything has to be perfect.

'With nothing. You'll be resting and you won't even peek into that room. It'll be a surprise. You won't see her till we get home with the little one. And don't worry, it'll be more than perfect,'' he said, staring into my eyes.

He doesn't mean it. Can't I be there when our son's room is being built? He's my son too and I have a right to be there.

'You can't be serious! I have a right to see and be there! Jungkook, he's my son too", I've never been this angry. This was the maximum.

'Yoongie calm down. You have mood swings with pregnancy and that's why you're acting like this. We've consulted the experts so it's going to be great. I'll keep an eye on it. I promise," Jimin said tenderly with a smile on his face.

I took a deep breath and nodded. I knew it was in good hands, but it made me a little nervous and the pregnancy only amplified it. If this keeps up, I'm probably going to go crazy.

"By the evening we should have the floor painted and done", with that the boys left the room. I was left alone with Holly and my son who decided to play football again.

With a pang I sat down at the piano and immediately opened it. Jungkook didn't leave me the meds, so I'm going to try playing the piano.

I immediately started playing the first notes of a soothing melody. I played and waited to see if the pain would pass. And after a while it stopped. I had to smile. I guess my son is a musician. I'll definitely play for him.

After half an hour of playing, the last notes sounded in the room. Smiling, I stood up, took Holly in my arms, and went into the room. She was getting a little tired.

I lay down in bed and closed my eyes. It wasn't long before I was dreaming a dream about the future.

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