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'Kookie', I gasped, almost unable to stand. The sight of it was killing me. I would never say it, but right now I was starting to fear him. Just a little, of course.

His face was adorned with many scratches and similar bloody scars. He had blood everywhere on him until it could be wrung out. He had a gunshot wound through his shoulder and from the way he was pressing his stomach, he had a bullet there too. He looked like he'd bathed in blood.

He sat helplessly on the ground, trying to breathe calmly. The sight of him was horrible, it made my stomach twist, but I still went over to him and knelt down in front of him.

'What are you doing? Don't stress about it,'' he said as soon as I pulled his shirt over his head. His stomach and chest was just a trail of blood, along with various scratches and shards of some glass.

'I'm going to stress myself out about this. Have you seen yourself at all", I immediately ran to get the medical kit and went back to Kook with it. Did he have to let himself get that worked up? After all, I don't think he can even stay on his feet without help.

'Yoonie, it's just a scratch, it'll heal. You don't have to worry about me so much." He takes care of me all the time, so I'll at least return the favor. Even if he doesn't like it. I've already made up my mind.

I didn't comment on his comments and opened the first aid kit. Straight away I pulled out a pair of tweezers and started pulling various shards out of his chest, stomach and even his back. That it didn't hurt him to sit behind the wheel with it.

As soon as all the shards were out, I put some cooling ointment on his back. After all, he was all hot. Now if you and I meant scrambled eggs, I'd do it on his body too.

'Come on up. I'll take your balls out there and you'll go and have a nice nice wash", to which he just gave me a defeated nod. He immediately tried to stand up, but couldn't. I wasn't going to drag him upstairs. He's too heavy for me.

"Let me help you", Jimin said as soon as he got to us. He supported him and then they went together to our room. Meanwhile, TaoMin, who seemed quite taken aback, also came to us.

, "Please clean up those shards", he just nodded at me and already got down to business. Meanwhile, I went to the kitchen and got a big bowl, whereupon I made my way to our bedroom.

There, Jimin was already waiting for me with a stripped Kook. He immediately carried him into the bathroom as well and snoozed next to me. He smiled sympathetically at me and sniffed. Without hesitation, I made my way to the bathroom.

There, I grabbed the first aid kit and sipped to Kook. I pulled off the last of his clothes and then started the stream of water. The water began to wet his body and the blood washed off him. He hissed in pain as well, so I got to work right away.

The first thing I did was to pull the bullet out of his shoulder. Luckily it didn't bleed that much, so I was relieved. But the tummy was going to be a problem. That it doesn't look good at all.

"May I?", I asked, taking my hand off his stomach. He just nodded and waited for my actions. I had to take a couple of deep breaths and then somehow pulled the bullet out of his tummy.

Almost immediately it started bleeding. So I quickly got rid of the excess blood and turned the waters off immediately afterwards. I grabbed a towel and held it over his wound. Kookie helped me apply pressure to the wound.

, "I'll run and get your clothes and then I'll stitch it up for you", he just nodded in response so I could quickly stand up and head to our bedroom. There on the bed sat TaoMin and Jimin, looking at me expectantly.

I just smiled at them and walked into the closet. I grabbed some of Kookie's clothes and went back to him. Immediately my gaze fell on him sitting in the chair. He shouldn't have bothered like that.

I laid the clothes on the sink. For that, I took a needle and thread out of the first aid kit. Yes, I know these things are probably hard for anyone to find in the first aid kit, but when I live with a mobster, it's pretty reasonable. At least I know how to stitch someone's wound. I was learning it, even if it didn't do me any good at the time. How I thank my young and foolish self.

I shoved the towel to the floor. Then I quickly set to sewing. The blood was giving me trouble, but I finally gave up and breathed a sigh of relief. It was obvious that Kookie was relieved as well. Well, I'm the chic one.

I soaked a towel in water and wiped the remaining blood around the wound. I then wrapped his abdomen and arm with a bandage. Right after that, I helped him get dressed. My poor boy.

"Jimin, will you help?", I asked as soon as I reached our room. Jimin just nodded and already went to get Kookie. Meanwhile, TaoMin stood up and walked over to me.

It wasn't long before Jimin and Kookie were already at the bedside. At that, Jimin set Kookie down on the bed. I immediately walked over to him and laid him down like a little baby. I wrapped him in the duvet, to which he gave me his best smile.

, "I'll get you something to eat and then you can sleep", he just nodded again and closed his eyes in relief. Meanwhile, I went to the bathroom where I dumped all the bloody things into the bowl. I picked up the bowl and made my way to the kitchen where Jimin and TaoMin were already waiting for me.

'It's a beautiful sight to see you', they grinned at which I had to chuckle as well. I never realized that we took care of each other like children.

I was still talking with Jimin and I was cooking something for Kookie. I sent TaoMin to take the towels to the washing machine and to soak them in cold water and salt.

As soon as everything was done, Jimin took off for home. I locked the door behind him and TaoMin had been asleep in his room for some time. So it was just me now.

I took the food to Kookie, whose eyes immediately lit up like a Christmas tree. I handed the food to him and sat down next to him. How sorry I am that he was finished like that.

"Thank you, sweetheart", he said as soon as he finished eating. He put his plate on the coffee table whereupon he pulled me in for a kiss. I happily kissed him back. So sweet.

Once we pulled away from each other with a wince, I dressed in something comfortable, turned off the light, and snuggled up to him. He flopped flat on my chest, which I just laughed at.

It didn't take long before we were both immersed in dreamland.

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