Lucky Stars

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I sat on the couch while Sian skipped over to the kitchen to get a beer for each of us. I looked around and it was so nice in her house it was the most welcoming place I have ever seen. She put the fire on when I came in and that was all it needed to make it as cozy as it could ever be.

She walked back in with two glasses of beer.

"I hate cans" she said handing me a glass "They always freak me out with the sharp edge in a can" she said and we both took a sip.

"So Charlie what do you do for a living?" shE asked.

"I work at the library. I just...really love books" I said taking another sip.

"Oh, I've never seen you there before" she said.

"I take early morning shifts" I said.

"Oh that makes sense...never talk to me before ten otherwise you will have the grumpiest girl in the world on your hands" she said smiling.

"You can't even look at my sister before ten let alone talk to her" I said and smiled.

"Are you still in high school" I asked.

"No I graduated last year" she said "You know when your in school you just wanna get the hell out of the building but when your in the real world with taxes,mortgage,dating,houses,jobs and all that jazz you wish your in school" she said then took a glug of her drink.

"Yeah I'm not looking forward to it"  I said "I graduate this year" I said.

"Oh but you have fun stuff to look forward to like prom" she said "You get to go with your girlfriend and dance the night away" she said.

"I don't have a girlfriend" I said.

"Oh well you can still go with mates" she said.

"I don't have many friends" I said.

"Well if nobody asks you then I'll go with you" she said then smiled.

"Really?" I asked bewildered.

"Really, really" she said.

"It's a date" I said.

We both sat and drank our drinks in silence from then on while the best song in the worl called lucky stars played in the back round.

Hey guys so I have a little favor to ask of you. I would really like some good songs that not many people have heard of to put on my chapters. I would like it t sort of match the storyline but it doesn't have to and I will love you forever if you send me a message or put it in my comments list or message board of a good song. THANK YOU TO ALL MY FANS FOR MAKING THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER 2 ALMOST HAVE 20,000 VIEWS I AM SO SO SO SO X1000000000000000000000000  THRILLED. i LOVE YOU WALLFLOWERS OUT THERE.

I FEEL INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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