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They chatted and laughed and finally the train stopped at Hogwarts.The place they all felt the safest then ever.Even at home they didn't feel this safe.With Dumbledore there and all the Professors and students there wasn't a chance of anyone getting to them.
'Let's get off and get in.'Ginny said.
'Last one there is a rotten egg!'Harry shouted ad Hermione ran the fastest out of the train.
'WHEN DID SHE..GET SO..FAST..?'Ron panted with Harry and Ginny.
Hermione was climbing into a carriage far from the other three.

I was climbing into a carriage and then saw out of the corner if my eye the three of them walking towards me.I forgot about them.
'Oh right..'I murmured.
I stood there waiting for them to get there.
Finally they got to me and we got in although Ginny went to Luna and Neville.
I was quiet for the while ride there.
'Hey mione?'Ron asked nudging me into the real world.
'AH-'I said.It felt like my soul left my body.
'Oh..Yes..?'I asked sitting back down.
'Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?'He asked me as I went a bit pink.
I shrugged and then went to writing in my Diary about my day and my hopes.


I watched as Hermione stared longingly into the sky.She looked so hot.
'Uh Mione you look like your sweating!Want some water?' I asked.
'Ronald Its freezing are you mad..?' She said not taking her eyes off the tall castle awaiting them.
Harry fake coughed over himself saying something about love.I shrugged.Oh well.
The castle came closer by the minute.

Well the two lovebirds didn't talk to each other but Ron shot a look over at her every few minutes as she didn't take her eyes off Hogwarts were we both felt at home for real.
I smiled and sat in silence.Finally Hermione broke her stare and wrote in a book that I didn't know of.I didn't see the cover but it was probably just some book for class.I didn't see what she was actually writing in so it could be some parchment or anything.Who knows?For sure I don't.Me and Ron spoke about really random things that we liked about Hogwarts. Hogsmeade was a popular opinion and then we talked about the sweets.I watched as the invisible animals to some people trot up a hill.I looked up and saw Hogwarts before our eyes.
'Finally..'Hermione said for the first time.
'Oh look who finally said something!'Ron said.
She glared at him and then got off with me and Ron.We walked up and into the great hall finally sitting at the Gryffindor table and Dumbledore went in and in.Nobody payed attention except Hermione and Luna.
Then after the sorting and Dumbledore's babble about the rules they had heard several times every year,They ate.

I stared at Professor Dumbledore until I got to eat.It felt like hours ago I ate a bit of toast.I stuffed anything I could onto my plate and then down my throat feeding my hungry stomach after hours and hours of nothing.
Once we all finished we went upstairs and flopped onto the sofas in the common room awaiting what would come next.
'As we have no homework and I have read everything I need on the train I think I might go to bed.'I told them walking upstairs.I felt like I forgotten something but I was probably just paranoid as I usually was on the daily.
I got my pyjamas on and flopped onto my bed.After what felt like ages,I fell asleep snoring silently dreaming of Ron.

Hermione Jean Granger -- Changed (With Romione Hinny Nuna.)Where stories live. Discover now