Chapter Four - Spinner

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After recruiting Muscular, Magne and Moonfish into the Shadow Collective, Kurogiri warps himself and the Shadow Collective to the Raptor stronghold of Terra Bogaton. When they arrived, the found Terra Bogaton gripped in chaos.

Toga: Yeesh. This place has clearly seem better days. And I thought Terra Cyclonia had it rough.

Kurogiri: Terra Bogaton has been in disarray ever since Repton was deposed from power.

Twice: THIS PLACE IS A MESS! They did just lose their king. STILL UNACCEPTABLE!

Muscular: How many of those lizard freaks are we gonna have to kill to find this Raptor?

Kurogiri: That won't be necessary. Our spies have revealed that young Spinner is taking refuge in the Lost Forest. It is considered sacred ground for the Raptors. No outsider has ever set foot in the Lost Forest.

Shigaraki: Let's get this over with. 

With that, the Shadow Collective ventured into the Lost Forest in search for Spinner. The gates sealing off the Lost Forest had been left unguarded. Shigaraki used his Decay power to reduce parts of the gate to ashes, allowing the Shadow Collective to venture into the thick forest of the Lost Forest. As they ventured into the Lost Forest, there was an uneasy silence. 

Magne: This place gives me the creeps. 

Toga: No kidding....

Kurogiri: According to Raptor legend, the Lost Forest is the birthplace of the Sky Hunter, the Raptor God. The Lost Forest is where the strong survive and the weak die. To survive the Lost Forest was considered the highest honor. It shows that the Sky Hunter favors you. 

Muscular: Ha. Fucking superstitious lizards.

As the Shadow Collective traversed deeper into the Lost Forest, an unknown figured stalked them from the trees. The figure watched and observed their movements. 

Dabi: We're being watched. 

Shigaraki: I know. 

When the Shadow Collective reached the ruins of an enclave, a voice speaks out.

???: You are trespassing on sacred ground.

Kurogiri: Would this be Spinner I am addressing to?

???: I am. Now you will answer my question. Who are you?

Kurogiri: We are the Shadow Collective, representatives of the Cyclonian Empire. We have come here to recruit you into our ranks.

Spinner: And why should I accept? The Cyclonians abandoned Terra Bogaton when the Sky Knights deposed King Repton.

Kurogiri: You were close to King Repton?

Spinner: He was a good mentor and a good friend. He is the reason I am the hunter I am today.

Muscular: This is a waste of our fucking time. Let's just take down this fucking lizard and get it over with. 

Spinner: Remember where you stand, Cyclonian. The Lost Forest is a sacred place in Terra Bogaton. Thousands of Raptors journey into the Lost Forest to prove themselves as warriors. The Lost Forest is home to many dangers and deadly predators. Many Raptors have fallen victim to the predators that lurk within the Lost Forest. 

At this point, Shigaraki stepped forward. 

Shigaraki: I know what you want, Spinner. You want revenge against the Sky Knights who defeated your king. 

Spinner: The Sky Knights did more than defeat our king. They humiliated us. They robbed us of our pride, our honor and our strength. They've left us here to wither and die.

Shigaraki: You and I want the same thing, Spinner. You want vengeance against the Sky Knights. I want vengeance against the Sky Knights. For too long, these....Sky Knights have imposed their will on us. Heroes, and villains both thrive on violence, but we're still categorized. "You're good." "You're evil." That's how it is! In the end, we're viewed as nothing more than the dregs of society! Look at what Terra Bogaton has fallen into. 

Spinner: I grew up in this world, surrounded by....meaningless values. My life was hell cause I was some kind of lizard guy. I thought that it was only natural. My heart was filled with nothing but emptiness. But Repton took me in and made me his student. He wanted to change the world! All by himself! I realized then for the first time that this world needed to change. I couldn't stand by and do nothing! And so I came here! That's why I can't understand this rut we're in! I thought you were going to open up a world of change! Answer me, Shigaraki! Where the hell are we heading towards!?

Shigaraki: A world where we have our revenge. A world where the Sky Knights and their false society are nothing more than dust. Join me and you will have your well deserved vengeance. 

For a moment, there was silence. After a moment, Spinner jumps down from the trees and stands before the Shadow Collective. He then approaches Shigaraki. 

Spinner: I've got nothing left. Nothing I really wanna do. But back then, I just know.... Something lit a fire in my heart. All I could think was how I wanted a glimpse of the future he was imagining! The Sky Hunter has given me a second chance to bring Repton's vision to reality. Very well, Tomura Shigaraki. You will have my blade.

With that, Spinner accepted Shigaraki's offer and joined the Shadow Collective. 

Kurogiri: You've made the right choice, Spinner. Now then, Tomura. There is still one final piece of business to take care of before we move on to the next phase of our plan. 

With that, Kurogiri warped the Shadow Collective out of the Lost Forest. With these new recruits, the Shadow Collective had grown stronger. But for Tomura Shigaraki, all that matter was destroying the Sky Knights and all that they stand for. 

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