Chapter Thirteen

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Another conference meeting was called for by the Elders. After last night's event, they found more flaws in the original plan. Convincing them otherwise became difficult. Holding my tongue, I let them voice their opinions first. Getting a plan formulated for success I needed their thoughts to create something irreversible. I can't lose Anaya now. Not ever.

There was so much to do in such little time and with Klein's brotherhood trying to intrude each night, the fear of Anaya disappearing every time she grew tired, and the Elder's fighting amongst each other. I had to be the mediator. My father Aleks was far better with this than I was, but I had to step in after his passing years. Levi wouldn't since he is the youngest. Being a King of Varna was anticipated but not easy. I've grown irritable.

It was moments like this where I wanted to escape. Search for peace within the suffering. To be in someone else's presence. Anaya... I am pained each time her name whispers in my head. I made a fist against my leg and hit it. I truly am a monster.

The room gave me a headache now that Jericho is yelling louder over everyone. I don't understand why Leo lets him have his way of mouth.

"The house of Helsing cannot keep a thing like her in captivity. She needs to go to Fardon, not Varna," Jericho said with his eyes set on Helsing.

"You have to keep her under control, or she'll do what she did again," Ailsing said. He is from Ergon, one of the foremost men. His hair was short blond, and his eyes were just as red as Helsings. "There is potential behind her."

"She's scared of herself," Dmitiri added. House of Carn, son of Thano. He was gorgeous compared to the others in the room with his white-blond hair and pale orange eyes. He resembled his father who sat next to him. Thano looked older, somewhere in his sixties but was over two centuries old. He had icy white eyes due to being blind. But his sense was sharp.

"She cannot be scared of herself when she darted at Leo like that." Jericho said, glaring at Dmitri.

Leo sighed, "She didn't shift. How are we going to trust she will in time?"

The others looked at each other, shrugging or staying quiet. The tension only built.

"Marcino should keep her in his custody, he knows more about wolf shifts," a man named Julius added. His raven black hair slicked from his face and short cropped. He held a cigar from his face, looking at Marcino with an eyebrow raised.

"If you plan to rapture her, she needs the blood from Reav, which Leo has to get. Otherwise, she will be punished by her own shift and suffer each time until her body gets used to it," Marcino said with his arms crossed. He was sturdily built with a reddish beard and long, curly copper hair that was streaked with silver by age. "Keeping her in that cage isn't going to help her but make her go through tribulation. Keeping her in my custody won't help as the wolves there will sense her unease and distress my pack."

A few exhales sounded in the room, and I chimed in, "She is safe here. She hasn't been harmed by any of us but herself. She has a name too. Anaya only figured out what was going on the past month. It's new to us dealing with an unshifted wolf who is in their prime age and past awakening." I looked at Leo, "Once Leo gets Reav's blood, things will get easier. It will make her finish her awakening for her true form and then I will ensure the rapture shortly after."

Leo nodded and I sensed his relief. The others looked tense still, but they stopped bickering. Except Jericho, that bastard never stops arguments.

"And if it goes wrong?" Jericho said, causing a vein in my temple to protrude as I gritted my teeth.

"And if it goes wrong, she will be executed and given to the Wolvenhood. Where her body belongs." As much as it hurt, she wouldn't be able to live through it if all failed. Her body would shut down and cause her to be sickened. To the point her organs fail and then her heart. A quick, painful death I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

"Anything else to add? I am growing hungry and have nothing else to add upon the speculations you all have." I said with my fangs baring.

That made them shut up and I stood, throwing my arm over my chest. The rest followed my lead. In unison we spoke, "Through ends and trials, we stand. United Bargonia."

I hope she can forgive me.

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