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"blake?" he said and closed the door. "hey hey hey, it's okay breathe, what happened?" he asked as he ran to my side. i couldn't get any words out of my mouth. i just cried and cried. "it's okay i've got you," he said and wrapped his arms around me. i tried as hard as i could to stop crying, to just breathe, i did eventually, but it was still hard to hold back all my tears. "what happened blake?" he asked. "billy," i said and sniffed.

he examined my face and looked at what i assume was a cut that billy just gave me. "did he hurt you?" he asked. i looked down at my hands. "i'm gonna fucking kill him," he said standing up but i grabbed his hand. "don't leave," i said. "please," i whispered. he sat back down and i saw that his eyes were puffy and red too. "why were you crying?" i asked. "nancy doesn't love me," he said. "apparently i'm 'bullshit' and our whole relationship is bullshit according to her,"

"im so sorry," i said. "me and billy broke up, i live with him so i have to go get my stuff tomorrow, his sisters gonna be all alone with him," i said. "that's not your fault, if he's hurting you he doesn't love you blake," he said. "i know," i said. "i don't know where to go," i whispered as my voice cracked. "i'll take you to dustin's, is that okay?" he asked and i nodded. he helped me up and walked me to his car.

we drove in silence and he asked if i was okay as often as he could. every time the answer was the same. "i'm fine, thanks" and every time it was a lie. once we got to dustin's he was looking in the garbage. i looked at him weird and then at steve. "thank you for driving me," i said. "call me if you need anything, okay?" he said. i nodded and thanked him again as i got out of the car. dustin saw me and waited for me to walk up to him.

"oh blake, i wasn't expecting to see you tonight but look i found this little guy in the garba- what happened?" he asked when he saw my puffy eyes and bruised cheek. "i need a place to stay dust," i said. "you know you can stay here, come inside," he said. i followed behind him and he got me some of the old clothes his mom had for pajamas. after i changed i sat on his bed as he waited for me to talk.

"me and billy broke up, i either need to find a place to live or go back to live with my mom," i said. "you're living with him now right?" he asked and i nodded. "why did you break up?" he asked. "long story short, he doesn't love me but he just kept me around for some reason, he hits me and makes out with other girls it just, wasn't good," i said. "he hurt you?" he asked. "that's what those bruises and cuts are?"

"yeah," i said. he hugged me as fast as he could then stood up. "i'm gonna go ask steve for his baseball bat," he said. "what?" i asked. "it has nails in it!" he said excitedly. "and what are you gonna use it for?" i asked. "to kill billy!" he said. i started laughing and hugged him again. "thanks dust, but i don't need you to go to juvie," i said and ruffled his hair. "fine," he said. "what we're you gonna tell me earlier?" i asked. "oh! right, i found something," he said and walked to his closet.

he opened his little ghost busters blaster and the slimiest little thing jumped onto my lap. "ew! what the hell is that dustin?" i asked and it growled at me. "i don't know! but it's cute, i'm naming him d'artagnan, dart for short," he said. "okay....well that's interesting," i said. "i'm sure me and my
friends can figure out what it is," he said. "just get it off me and i support you," i said. "noted," he replied and grabbed dart and put it in his turtles cage. "what does he even eat?" i asked. "i don't know, i'll figure out something," he shrugged. "whatever you say," i said.

"i've had a long day i'm gonna go to bed," i announced standing up. "okay, if you need anything you can wake me up, i have some good candy," he said. "thanks kiddo," i smiled and walked to the guest room. the next morning i woke up to the doorbell ringing a million times. i walked out and opened it to see billy standing there. "how'd you know i was here?" i asked. "just a wild guess,
i've got your shit in my car go get it," he said. "okay," i said and grabbed the boxes in as little trips as i could. "well bye," he said. "wait," i said and he looked at me. "just don't hurt max, please," i said. he just walked away and i closed the front door.

dustin helped me take the boxes to my room once he woke up and claudia immediately agreed to letting me stay once we talked to her. she even offered to become my legal guardian, but since i was almost 18 it didn't matter all that much. once it was monday i skipped first period. i got there during gym class and just sat on the sidelines. i watched as billy kept shoving steve and whispering things to him. "steve," everyone looked over and nancy was standing there. he walked out with her and thats when billy saw me.

he walked over and rested his hands on his knees. "i heard harrington took you home the other night, you think that going for hims gonna make me jealous huh?" he asked. "i didn't do anything to try and make you jealous, steve and nancy are together, steve just took me to dustin's," i said. "harrington better watch his back, if he touches you he's a dead man," he said. "why is that again?" i asked. "nobody touches what's mine," he said. "i'm not yours anymore," i tried to say confidently but it just came out a whisper.

"not my girlfriend, but i still own you blake, don't forget that," he said and walked away. i took a deep, shaky breath and walked out of the gym running right into steve. "sorry," i said quickly and went to walk away. "hey, you okay?" he asked and i nodded. "where are you going?" he asked. "i just can't be here i was gonna skate somewhere, i don't know dustin gave me his skateboard," i said. "well, me and nancy are broken up, i was gonna leave too if you wanna wait up," he said. "i might just head home, but i have ice cream if you wanna meet me there," i said. "okay sounds good," he said. i walked out and skated back to what was now my house and claudia wasn't home. i turned on the tv and laid on the couch, the shows were all shit but i was barely watching anyway. when there was a knock on the door i opened it and steve was standing there.

"hey come in," i said. "thanks," he said. i walked to the freezer and grabbed the ice cream and two spoons. i sat on the counter and opened it and handed him one of the spoons. "so, you and nance are done?" i asked and he nodded. "i'm sorry, steve," i said. "it's okay, why be with someone who doesn't love you anyway," he said. "billy didn't love me either, i guess i just convinced myself he did," i said.

"i wanna strangle him to death, he kept saying stuff in the locker room about how he knows he owns you even while broken up, it's such bullshit," he said. "he threatened me in the gym," i said. "said that if anyone touches what's his they're dead," i added. "you're kidding," he said and i just shrugged. "i wish i was," i said. "i'm sorry you have to deal with him blake," he said. "it's okay, i'm sorry about nancy," i said. "it's okay," he shrugged. we ate ice cream mainly in silence until claudia got home and steve stood up as she walked in.

"hey claudia," i said. "hi hun, steve right?" she said. "that's me," steve said. "my little dusty looks up to you," she said and steve smiled. "he's a good kid," he said. "i outta get going, i'll talk to you at school tomorrow," he said turning to me. "okay, see ya,"

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