Chapter 4

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Mary's POV

Life was so much better now that I could see Zacky, his company was gold to me. He was always by my side at school, making silly faces and comments with me and since he could read my mind we were communicating this way. We could only talk together when we were in my room with loud music coverring the sound of my voice.

Now there was someone to tell me that my style was cool and someone to tell me that they were proud of me. I wasn't alone anymore and it meant the world to me.

I was preparing myself to go to bed. I close my door, clean the clothes that I didn't put at the right place while Zacky open the light on my night stand and got the decorating pillows down on the floor.
I pull down my sleeping pants and went to my mirror to brush my hair.

At that moment I felt dizzy, something was wrong in my room, I could feel that something was scaring me, goosepumps were going up on my skin. I turn my head to look around when I saw Zacky, his wings spread wide, fighting against something unknown, it was dark. A ghost.
"Look away Mary!" Zacky yelled
I tried to look away but I didn't want to look into my mirror because there was always something bad happening in horror movies when someone would look in a mirror.
So I just look down to the floor and put back the brush at its place, trying to act as normal as I could.
When I finally look up Zacky was standing infront of me with open arms, I dive in his embrace. Feeling that it was the safest place in this world.
Zacky put his arms around me, making reassuring circles on my back with his hands.
"It's okay, it's gone. Let's go to bed now" He said putting a light kiss ontop of my head.
Zacky pulled away and slide under the bed sheat first, never letting my hand go off his. I climb in after him and stayed beside him, putting my head on his chest. Feeling that nothing bad could happen to me.
"What was that?" I ask Zacky,
he sigh before answering,
"It was a fallen angel, usually they are not that much dangerous but I always fight them when they come around you because I know that you are scared of that kind of shit." Zacky said looking down at me.
"I didn't know angels could say bad words" I say on a laughing tone,
Zacky smiles, "Let's say that I'm the only exception" he says before closing my light on the nightstand. As I fell asleep peacefully in his arms.

Zacky's POV

I finally had what I wanted the most, Mary was happy more than ever now that she could see me. I could now feel her head as she lay down on my chest, I could brush her hair until she falls asleep. I love being with Mary, it was an awesome feeling after waiting for so long.
I know that angels can't feel nothing but I could feel that something was changing in me, I felt a little more alive.


Mary woke up the next morning, slowly opening her eyes until they get use to the soft light passing through the curtains. She snuggle up to me with a smile on her face.
It's been a week that I was there and that smile appeared everyday, even on Mondays, she didn't care, she was with me.
I put my arm around her, tracing her perfect body form. When she finally open fully her eyes, she look up to me but her smile soon disapeared.
"What's wrong Mary?" I ask her with worried clear in my voice.
"Your wings. they are becoming grey" she mumble while pulling away from me.
I pull myself up and grab one of my wings, in fact it was becoming grey and they were an inch smaller, when I let go of it, some feathers stayed in my hands.
"What the fuck" I mumble, scared of what was happening to me.
"Are you becoming a fallen angel Zacky?" Mary mumble on the other side of the bed, it was clear that she was scared.
"No Mary, it's something else that I don't know" I answer trying my best to reassure her.
"I'm sure it's because of me. I changed you and see what happens!" She say, angry at herself.
I grab her hand and she made her way closer to me. She give me a tight hug, at that moment, I could feel something weird in my stomach.
"Mary, their's a weird feeling in my stomach"
She pulled back with a worried expression on her face,
"It can't be food since you don't eat.... I don't know Zacky. What's the feeling of the pain" She asks me like a doctor would ask.
"It's not a feelin of pain, more like a light feeling, making me want to jump all around" I say as a smile crept on my lips without me noticing it.
Mary's eyes went wide,
"So you are feeling the same as I do. You are becoming a human, with feelings Zacky" She said trailing off,
"But, what's that feeling?" I ask, shit, I sound like a child.
"Love" She answer shortly as she try to get off bed but I grab her wrist before she could.

"So you love me?" I ask her as she sat down, her back facing me,
"But I can't! you are my guardian angel!" she answer turning to me, on the verge of panic.
"That was not my question" I answer, my hand still on hers.
"Yes.." Mary answer on the shyest tone I've ever heard from her.
"How do you know you love someone?" I ask her. She look up at me with an amused look on her face. She grab a blanket to put over her legs.
"What you feel in your stomach are called butterflies, I feel them too. When you love someone is when you wouldn't see your life without that person. That person makes a difference in your world. That person as to be funny, carring, respectful, passionate, faithful and beautiful to you. And poeple say that beauty doesn't count but to me it's a lie. You have to feel attracted to the person, I mean sexually. Because if not how can you make love with them? Anyway, I think that's how you know you're in love" Mary ended.

I didn't say a word, to me it was no need, I know that I had to show her how I felt toward her. I approach Mary slowly, she didn't pushed away. I put my hand on her cheek and let it slid around the back of her neck softly. Our head were getting closer until our lips came together. Finally feeling her soft lips on mine was a pleasure that I couldn't get enough. A place my other hand on her waist making her sit on my lap as her two little hands came around my neck, down to my shoulders, massaging them.
We both pulled away at the same time with a smile on our faces but Mary's one soon disapear,
"I can't do this it's wrong! I'm changing you into something you don't want" She said as she strated to panic, looking all around her but to me.
"What do you know about it. You never asked me if I wanted to become a human. And in fact I want to. I don't know how things will go but I want to walk on this earth with you Mary." I told her softly at the end, bringing her chin up with the tip of my finger to kiss her again.

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