Chapter 3

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Mary's POV

It was finally the weekend, Saturday morning's were the best to me because I could wake up and lay in bed for like two hours. That was pleasure to me.

Just before I open my eyes, I turn on the right side, suddenly feeling a warm presence. I quickly push myself away and try to open my eyes as fast as I can. I sat up and realize that there was someone there with me, I try to scream but the person put a hand on my mouth.

Normaly I would of pushed away but the presence felt almost familiar to me. Finally, my eyes gets use to the dim light of the day through my curtains. My breath stopped when I saw the figure in front of me. It was a guy, a men with jet black hair, his eyes were a icy blue, almost white. He had septum and snakebite piercings, his arms were covered in tattoes. Not only his beauty caught my breath, but the fact that he had two wings attached to his back, they were white, like his eyes. All the feather seemed so soft.

The man took his hand away from my mouth, seeing that I wouldn't scream or run away.

"Who are you?" I ask above a whisper, it was still early morning and I didn't want to wake up anyone.

"I'm your guardian angel" He answer back on the same tone, his voice was something like I never heard before.

"Since when?" I ask getting comfortable with him. He let out a small chuckle before answering,

"Since you were born" He said smilling to me.

I dedcided to lay back on my bed, since it was still early. He followed my move, keeping a fair distance between us.

"When am I going to die?" I ask him, maybe it was the reason why I see him, I never heard of anyone seeing their guardian angel, maybe because they were dead afterall.

"I don't know, but I'm here to protect you until it's time" He said on a reassuring tone.

"Do you have a name?" I ask,

"Yeah, Zacky" He said extending a hand,

"No need for a handshake, you're already in my bed" I said with a smile, Zacky then cough a laugh and put his face in my pillow, so no one could hear him laugh, but I was the only lucky one to hear him.

I then look at his wings, I extend my hand and softly touch it with the tip of my fingers. Zacky slowly stop laughing and fully turn on his stomach, letting me touch his back. I touch his skin, where his wings seemed to be plant in, I could feel veins and bones that made his wings stick to his back.

"Does it hurt?" I ask Zacky,

"No, but seeing you sad did" He blurred out blankly.

I stop touching his back and lay back beside him as he turn to look at me.

"You were watching me all this time?"

I ask him, he nod,

"Always, sorry that I maybe invade your intimity but just know that it was always to protect you, angels can't get a boner" he said making me laugh.

"So whenever I had boring sex with my ex or when I play with myself alone in my room, you watch me?" I ask him getting embarrasse at the idea of me naked in front of a good looking guy like him.

Zacky's face then became red,

"I can't say yes but I can't say no" he said leaving me confused,

"Okay, whatever. But howcome I can see you now?" I ask him, this should have been my first question thought.

"I don't really know, the only person that can make me appear to you is the 'Big Boss' but I don't know why he would have done that" Zacky told me.

"Have you made a wish or something? This kind of shit always happen in movies" I say, trying to help him out.

Suddenly his eyes widden,

"I wish that I could be really there for you" He said above a whisper.

"Th-that's really sweet Zacky" I say before gently taking his hand, I really needed a hug but I was to shy to ask.

I think he got the hint because he pull his hand away to place it gently on my back and bring me closer to his warm chest.

"Is it cool to be an angel?" I ask him after a moment of silence,

"Now yes, because before I could only read your mind and try to guide you in the right way. But now I can tell you. The other advantage is that I can change my look when I want, look!" He said before I pull away from his embrace to look at him, his black fringe had change into shorter and high blond and black hair and his face seemed slimer.

"Wow, that awesome!" I told him before he pull me back close to his chest.

"How long will I be able to see you?" I ask, affraid that I would be left out again.

"I don't know, but I will stay as long as I can and even if you can't see me, I'll always be there" he said pulling me even closer. Now that I know he could read my mind, he must know how insecure I am.

"But it's not the same, it's maybe stupid but I feel comfortable with you" I mumble into his chest.

"Me too, I've always liked you before but since you've became a woman, I don't know.." He said trailling off.

What?! Did he love me? I don't know but I try to not pay so much attention it, I wasn't in love him, he is a good friend and he probably feels the same too. So I grab my iPod that was on the night stand behind him and turn on my back, still close to Zacky.

"Did you sleep?" I ask him

"No, angel don't sleep, don't eat, no sex, no other feeling then carring, I can't love nor hate, if I hate too much it's consider like becoming a demond." He explain to me,

"Wow, that sucks, I think.." I trailled still thinking that he could change looks whenever he wants which is really cool.

Zacky let out a chuckle, I could feel his breath on my shoulder which made me feel safe.

I was on my iPod when I accidently open the camera and on the wrong side, it was the front camera. I couls see myself but not Zacky that was right beside me.

"Eh, Zacky, are you sure your not a vampire too? Because I can't see you in my camera" I said getting confused, he look up at my iPod that I was holding above us, only seeing myself.

"Well, I guess you're the only one that can see me" he said clicking, taking a picture of me.

"Hey! I'm not keeping this!" I say, I was about to delete it when Zacky protested,

"No keep it please! Just so we remember the day we finally met" He said softly.

"Okay.." I said before locking my iPod and turning to him again under the blanket.

"You know what?" I say after a moment of silence,

Zacky look down at me, raising a eyebrow

"You're like a gay friend, I can be close to you in underwear and you'll never get a boner!"

Zacky let out a loud laugh, knowing that no one could hear him except me.

I started thinking that I was maybe crazy, creating myself a friend to feel less alone, which is totally pathetic and crazy!

The second I thought about it, Zacky stopped laughing and look at me in the eyes,

"You are not crazy, everyone got a guardian angel and God wanted you to see me, that's it" he said sternly but it was reassuring me.

Falling in love with my guardian angelWhere stories live. Discover now