Chapter 9

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Mary's POV

My alarm clock started to go off with Seek and Destroy by Metallica. I unfortunatly had to get up for school. But today would be a different kind of day because it was the last days off school, which only consisted of final exams. So I was only at school for them and then I would walk back home with my invisible boyfriend. I call Zacky like that sometimes when I want to tease him.

I walk back into my bedroom wearing jeans shorts and a black tank top. I look up at Zacky with a smile but it soon faded when I realized that something had changed on him. "What's wrong baby?" Zacky asks me, clearly worried.

I walk to my bed and climb in with him, I look behind his back to see that his wings had finally disappeared. I didn't say a thing and grab my iPod, I put it to take a picture and Zacky appeared along beside me. When Zacky realized what I was showing him, he gasped loudly, his eyebrows raised high in surprise, his lips forming a smile full of his white teeth. I started to jump on my bed in joy as Zacky put his arms around my waist, giving me a strong hug. Finally, Zacky was a human like me.

We look in each others eyes, Zacky was so happy that I'm sure he would of let out a yell, so I crash my lips against his, feeling his warm pink lips. He pull me down on the bed gently, he then pulled away from the kiss looking tenderly into my eyes with an obvious smile on his perfect feature.

"Your eyes are a beautiful shade of green" I told him as I cup his face in my hands."I love you" Zacky whisper to me, not giving a care about anything else.I smile at him and push Zacky down on the bed. He put an arm around me as I cuddle up by his side."But what about school?" I ask him as I trace soft paterns with my hand on his tattooed chest."I'll go with you, that doesn't change" he said, not really realising what it really meant being a human."How are you going to get out of here?" I ask him while I get out of his embrace to get my hair done for the day."By the window" Zacky answer blankly, I turn to him raising a brow, -how did he thought about this- I ask myself."What do you think I was doing while transforming into a human? I was thinking about all those isues and I have a plan for everything baby" Zacky said as he get up from the bed and came to hug me from behind.I smile at him as I look at him through the mirror, placing my hands on his. "Everything will work out perfectly babe" Zacky whisper warmly to me as his lips touch my sensitive neck."Do you want me to grab you something to eat?" I ask him turning to look at Zacky. "Yes please" He said putting his forehead on mine.I put a chaste kiss on his lips before pulling away."Get dress while I go eat breakfast and can you do the bed please?" I ask him with pleading eyes,"Yes boss" Zacky said playfully, slapping my ass before I got out of my bedroom closing the door behind me.While Zacky was an angel, I had bought some clothes for him so he had a few ones that I had cleaned myself so my parents wouldn't suspect anything.

I just hope that Zacky is right about this.

I ate breakfast and grab a banana, a bottle of water and a granola bar for Zacky and I. I arrive downstairs, Zacky was laying on the bed, that he made, as he tried to fall back to sleep.I arrive above him and pinch his ass playfully.Zacky hiss, not from pain but more by surprise. "We have to go Zee" I told him as I grab my school bag from the floor.He nodd to me before he started to open my window.My bedroom was in the basement so Zacky didn't have to jump down a floor. I wait until Zacky got outside and I lock back my window behind him. I said a brief good bye to my mom before opening the front door leading me outside.

The morning air was fresh and slitghly chilly but soon the warmness of the sun would start to make its way trough the air.

I arrive at my waiting spot for the bus school. I look around nervously, seeing that Zacky wasn't there. I turn to see Zacky walking down casually the street beside my house. A bright smile playing on his pink lips. So kissable, I thought. "Were you scared that I was lost?" Zacky ask me with a hint of laugh in his voice as he came by my side, waiting for the bus too. I didn't answer but only raise up my shoulders,"I told you I had a plan for everything" he said winking down at me.I smile back up at him, Zacky he so carrying with me. "Hey, I found this backpack beside your window, is it from you?" He asks me turning his back to me so I can look at the mysterious backpack.It was all black with written Zacky on it, in red lettering. "No, did you open it?" I ask him as he look at the bag weirdly,"No, I'll do it while you do your exam" Zacky said before the bus stop in front of us.

The bus ride was quiet, when we arriver to school, 15 minutes later, I could feel peoples stares on me and Zacky as we hold hands, walking in the school. Soon, my group of friends spotted Zacky and I as we were sitting at a table, I was making sure that I had everything for the exam when they walk to our table.

"Hey Mary, since when do you have a boyfriend?" One ask me as the other were just giving us weird looks, "Four months ago, we met during a show and since then I can't get away from her" Zacky said as he pull me closer to him. I smile up at him knowing that it was a lie but I love where this was going.The girls look suddenly all jealous seeing that a guy was really loving me, they were all standing there, breathless by what was happening and I was so happy to have this effect on them. "It's time for the exam" I told Zacky turning back to look at him,"Alright, good luck love" He said putting a light and slow kiss on my lips.

I walk up the stairs to my classroom, feeling a owl lot better since it was the last three hours that I had in this school and I showed to other people that I wasn't the person they thought I was.

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