Chapter 10

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Zacky's POV

When the school was desert, I open the mysterious backpack that I found this morning. No one was suppose to know who I was except for Mary. I unzip it slowly like if I was scared that a bomb was in it.But it was beyond what I would ever suspected. I found a letter on top and open, it was a list of everything it had in the bag and it was all mine. The letter was sign, Big G.

-Wait! Really?!- I told myself,

I found my idendity card, -I finally had a fucking birthday date!- I found my drivers license card, -fuck I never drove a car in my freaking life! Mary'll have to show me-. Last but not least I found that I had an appartement close to the college that Mary will go next year. -Fuck yeah I love this bag!-I look down at my watch to see if Mary would soon come out of her exam class. I smile even wider when I realized there was 5 minutes left.

I got up from the cafeteria table and walk to the bottom of the stairs where Mary had gone for her exam. My feet was tapping with excitment on the stairs. Soon I heard ruffle and foot coming down the stairs and Mary was the first I saw. Instantly, a beautiful smile spred across her lips."Let's get the fuck out of here!" She said impatiently as she grab my hand and started to run towards the exit. I followed her steps as I felt the same excitement as her, it was a new begining for the both of us.

We ran until we reach the grass that was far from the high school, Mary then stop letting go of my hand as she raise her fists in the air "FUCK YOU!!!" She yell at the top of her lungs and all I could do was to understand her feeling because I've been with her all those years and I felt what she felt.After she was done and her fists were back down I got closer to her, my arms wrapping around her waist,"I love you, you are so strong. Thank you for never giving up" I whisper in her ear as we hug tightly, Mary didn't answer but I knew that she heard me, when we pulled away she crash her lips on mine with passion. A smile growing on each others lips as we pulled away.

I grab her hand softly as we started to walk back to her house, the sun glowing on the both of us. Today is one of the best day ever."Shit, I forgot this with all this excitment" Mary say speaking up, "What's in the bag?" She asks.The smile that was already on my face only grew wider. "It's all that we need to live a perfect life" I answer simply, looking down at her with loving eyes.Mary's brows crunch as she didn't understand what I was talking about."There's my ID card, driving license, and I even have an appartment close to your futur college" I told her as we slowly stop walking. Mary's eyes became wide as she hold her breath,"What? How?" She asks me,"I don't even know, that's the point. But all I know is that it's not a joke" Mary than jump in my arms, holding me tight. "I love you Zee" She whisper, her hot breath hitting my neck,"I love you too babe" I told her pulling her back down and putting a kiss on the top of her head.Mary then gasp, "We should go see your appartment!" She told me, joy clear in her eyes,"Yeah sure" I answer before she grab my hand and we started to run on the other side of the street to take the bus.

Mary's POV

Zacky and I were walking in the busy streets of the city, I wasn't use to it yet but I'll have to calm down around so much people. I look at the paper that Zacky had gave me from his bag, we raise our heads towards the suppose appartment. It wasn't one of those cheap appartment, it was an old and antique one, where I've always wish to have my first appartment there but it was out of price. "Is it really this?" Zacky asks softly, I nodd and grab the key that was attached to the papers. Zacky and I both slowly walk on the front porch, scared that we were wrong and that this was all a joke. I hold the key up and Zacky put his hand on mine, we put the key in the lock and turn it, a sound came from it as we unlock the door.Zacky and I look at each other with a warm smile. I pull back the key and Zacky slowly push the door, this appartment was perfect. All the walls were painted white, behind the front door there was a long hallway, at the right there was the living room with large windows and a balcony, at the left of the hallway there was a bedroom, really simple but I felt like this would soon become our little paradise. Zacky was still holding my hand as we made it to the back of the hallway where there was a little kitchen and a dinning table, at our right was a bathroom. Everything was little but it had all that we needed. Zacky and I look at each other smiling widely. "Welcome home Mary" Zacky almost whisper as he pull me in his embrace for a kiss.


Zacky and I were sitting on the floor of our futur living room, there wasn't any furniture to sit on.. yet."We can't stay here yet because we don't have any money for the food, furniture and all" I say looking down at the beautiful dark wooden floor. "Yeah, I should find a job first and we will both try to save as much money as we can" Zacky reassure me,"Yeah, maybe I should take another job" I suggest, I was just so excited to go live with Zacky."Wait, there's no rush. This is our's it will wait for us" Zacky say as he grab my arms, my back resting on his chest as his arms were tied securetly around me.

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