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"Juyeon? What are you doing here?" you question when you walk up to your apartment's door, seeing her leaning her back against your door, resting.

"I'm eating an apple." she answers as she bites into a red delicious apple, trying to sound nonchalant, you think.

"Why are you eating an apple at my front door?" you try not to chuckle, but you find this situation just a tiny bit ridiculous.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

"Hmm..." you hum, low in volume, processing her words. "Is there a reason why you're trying to keep me away from my own house?"

She sighs dejectedly. "Why are you home so early today?"

"I worked a full shift, actually? Now is around when it usually ends. I would more often than not lengthen it further by working overtime, but I told you I would be doing less of those."

"Right, you did say that."

You shrug. "So I'm trying to stay true to my promise."

"I really, really appreciate that," she says, before ducking a little to plant a gentle kiss on your cheek. "It's just that... well, you're ruining the surprise. I haven't even finished half of the decorations."

You feel your blood rushing to your face from the kiss, as you are still not quite used to her affection. "Decorations? Surprise?"

"Yep!" she pops the 'p' excitedly. She then pulls you inside, relieving you of your baggage and dumping them somewhere before the two of you reach the living room. "I think it's much easier for you to just see it."

You gasp, looking around your apartment's living room. There are candles placed everywhere, still unlit. In the middle of the living room, where there used to be a coffee table and your favourite couch, is now covered by a red carpet, as your couch is already pushed to the corner along with your coffee table. There is also a multimedia speaker system set up beside your television. "What...?"

You feel arms wrap around your back, and then her smiling face pops into your sight. "Surprise."

"What's going on here?" you question, though you can't help but smile widely back at her.

"Well, as far as I know, someone here has never really danced in her whole life? So I thought it's a good idea to show her the ropes, have her master some moves before the gala. There will be some dancing then, correct?"


"Then obviously I want to show off my lover to everyone there." she grins triumphantly.

"So... we're dancing?"

She gives you a small nod, taking your hand and holding your waist loosely with the other free hand. "We're dancing."

First, she rushes around the living room to light some of the candles before she switches on the speaker and play a slow, chill music, one that will be easy to dance to. She then demonstrates some steps for you, and then gently guides you after, counting the steps and laughing whenever you accidentally step on her foot and steadies you when you stumble against your own clumsy legs.

Eventually the two of you are cruising around the living room smoothly, your feet no longer busy chasing hers as you have finally managed to get the rhythm down.

"Oooh, you're doing so well." she chirps happily after another turn.

"Are you sure about that? I stepped on your feet and kicked your shins for god knows how many times."

She chuckles softly. "Well, yes, that should be expected, I think. You're just a beginner in this. You sure caught on quick though! Makes me think that you got a knack in this dancing business."

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