~The Jabberwocky and the Frumious Bandersnatch~

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Ruby turned back into her wolf form for the journey ahead while I road on Jefferson's shoulder and he began to rhyme:

'Twas brillig,and the silthy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outgrabe."

I interrupted him, "Sorry,what was that?" Jefferson, "What was what?" I look up at him strangely as he continues his rhyme:

"The Jabberwock,with eyes of flame
Jaws that bite and claws that catch!
Beware the Jabberwock,my son!
And the frumious Bandersnatch!
He took his Vorpal sword in hand.
The Vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead,and with its head
He went galumphing back."

He looks at me, "It's all about you,you know" I do know what he is referring to, "I'm not slaying anything. I don't slay,so put it out of your mind."

He stops, "Mind" he puts me down on a rock and Ruby stayed with me as he began to walk away, "Wait! You can't leave us here!" He turns around and faces me again, "You don't slay. Do you have any idea what the Red Queen has done? You don't slay."

Me, "I couldn't if I wanted to" Jefferson, "You are not the same as you were before. You were much more "muchier." You've lost your "muchness."

I ask him, "My "muchness?" He points to my heart, "In there. Something's missing" I ask him, "Tell us what the Red Queen has done" He gasps, "It's not a pretty story" I tell him again, "Tell us anyway."

Ruby lays down as I do and he looks around the area and he begins his story, "It was here. I was Hatter to the White Queen at the time. The Hightopp clan have always been employed at court."

The story included the Jabberwocky coming through and burning the village along with the White Queen losing her crown and everything had been in ruins since that day.

I snapped him back into reality when he zoned out, "Jefferson? Jefferson!" His eyes met mine, "I'm fine" Ruby asks, "Are you?" He heard Bayard barking, "Do you hear that? I could've sworn I heard something."

He then pieced it together, "Oh. Red Knights!" He grabbed me and Ruby got up as we began to run again. We ran until we met a pond. He puts me on Ruby,puts the hat in her mouth and he says, "Go South to 'Trotter's Bottom.' The White Queen's castle is just beyond."

I nod as well as Ruby,who says to me, "Hold on tightly!" She ran as fast as she could to the tree on the other side of the pond and we hear Jefferson shout, "Down with the Bloody Red Queen!"

We made it to the tree and we hid behind it as we saw the Red Knights place Jefferson under arrest and escort him to what we assume to be the Red Queen's castle.

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