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We could all see the Emerald City in the distance ahead of us. We took shelter for the night and by the next morning,we were ready to go. I said, "Come on,the Emerald City is nearer than ever!"

I rang the bell to the Emerald City when we arrived and a munchkin appeared, "Who rang that bell?" Me,Ruby,Melinoe and Artemis yell, "We did!"

He asks, "Can't you read?" Ruby, "Read what?" Munchkin, "The notice" We all ask, "What notice?" The munchkin, "It's on the door. Clean as the nose on my face!"

Then he placed the notice outside the door and it said, 'BELL OUT OF ORDER:PLEASE KNOCK.' I knocked on the door and the same munchkin from before appeared, "Well,that is more like it!"

Munchkin, "Now,state your business!" We all yell in unison, "We want to meet the Wizard!" Munchkin, "The Wizard? But nobody can see the great Oz! Nobody has ever seen the great Oz!"

The munchkin adds, "Even I have never seen him" I ask him, "Then how do you know there is one?" Munchkin, "You are wasting my time!" I said, "Please,sir. I have to see the Wizard!"

I say, "Tiger Lily from Neverland sent me" Munchkin, "Prove it!" Ruby, "She is wearing the ruby slippers!" They all look down at the slippers on my feet.

Munchkin, "So she is! Bust my buttons! Why didn't you say that in the first place? Come on in!"

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