~Wrestling with a Demon~

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Regina, "Ready to thank me?" Emma, "Actually,yeah" Regina, "If you'd let me do it sooner,maybe we'd have found him by now" I stop us, "Wait. He's there. Pan."

Regina, "She's right. I can feel his smugness" Charming pulls out his sword, "Shall we? While we still have the element of surprise on our side?"

Killian says, "Careful,he may look like a boy but he is a bloody demon." I felt Melinoe's grip on my hand tightly and I say, "Stay by my side at all times,sweetie,okay?"

She smiles and nods her head at me, "Yes,auntie Sasha" Snow says to Emma, "Hey,you can do this" I nod at her with her at Emma.

Snow, "No one is here. Maybe your spell was wrong,Regina?" She rolls her eyes, "Yes. Blame me...again" I ssh them, "Guys. Hold on." Emma catches onto what I am saying, "Is that?"

We all see the brown hair,the frame,the height and his clothing and Emma calls out, "Henry!" We were all taken back when we saw that it was Pan.

Pan, "Hi,Emma" Emma, "Where the hell is Henry?" Pan,now dressed in Henry's clothes walks around, "You broke the rules. That's not fair. Bad form."

Pan, "I expected more from you,Captain" Killian, "Aye,and you get it" Emma, "Give Henry to me" Pan, "Sorry. Can't. Don't you know? Cheaters never win."

This is the match between her and Pan☝️

The lost boys appeared,ready to fight us with their weapons and Pan's smirk was among them. Killian, "Watch out for their arrows. They are laced with dreamshade."

The fight began and when he wasn't expecting it, I planned a sneak attack and I was able to tackle Pan. I have to be honest,he is quite a fierce competitor.

He tried to twist my arm but that did not work as I looped myself around and twisted his arm instead. He flipped me over his shoulder and I landed on my butt as he blindsided me.

He picked me up again and he tried to punch me but I used my body to twist myself around his whole body and he was the one that landed on his butt the next time.

He kicked me in the stomach and body slammed me until I fell and I am pretty sure I got a concussion after that one. When he came near me,I kicked him away and I recovered as I got back up.

I tripped him and he fell forwards. He rolled me by using my head and I gained instant back pain. He tried to get me again but I continued to roll away from him.

I got up but he kicked me in my back as he flipped me until I landed as flat as a paper sheet. He scissored me and I thought that I was done for.

I thought that he was going to win this battle between us. He pulled my arms behind me using all of his strength and I kicked him to escape his grip.

I kicked him in his midsection as I stood back up again but he picked me up again for a second time but I reversed it and I was on top of his head and I started to choke him but he backfired it and began to choke me instead.

He kicked me to the side of my head and he tried to turn my body into a pretzel but I wasn't giving up. I was determined to not have him win this battle.

He tried to choke me again but I held my breath and I was able to escape out of it. He tried to flip me again but I reversed it and I was able to flip him instead.

I clotheslined him again twice,kicked him in his midsection again but he was relentless in not giving up. I kicked him in the face but he clotheslined me again.

I pulled a move that I learned in karate called, 'The Black Widow' and I did it around his body like a snake and I won the match as he passed out from the pain and exhaustion.

I sarcastically blew him a kiss but it all changed when our eyes met,there was an instant spark between us as circles glowed in our eyes.

(The song above is what is playing when their eyes met)

I backed away from him as he whistled. I went back to my group and the lost boys gathered around Pan, "Remember what I told you. That map will show you where Henry is only when you stop denying who you really are. I'll make sure to send Henry your regards."

He winks at me, "I enjoyed our fight,gorgeous." I blushed but I hid it once we retreated back to our camp like it was a game of 'Capture the Flag.'

Snow went up to Emma later, "Don't let him shake your confidence. We've all had moments where we felt like we couldn't prevail. Even Sasha." I say, "She's right. I still do."

Emma, "Guys,please. Not now." Me and David walked away with Melinoe while Hook came up to me, "What happened back there between you and that demon boy?"

I say, "I don't know. All I know is that there is no beating me. None of them,including Pan,will ever be able to lace my Chuck Taylors." I show off my red Chuck Taylors shoes.

Killian, "Ain't that the truth but I meant the spark between you two" I drew a blank in my mind, "I don't know. That's a mystery to me as well."

Emma ran up to us with the map, "Guys,the map is working! We know where Henry is." Hook directs us, "We are here at the southern tip of the island,in the middle of the Dark Jungle and Pan's camp lies due north."

I ask, "That is where he is keeping Henry?" Regina, "Then what are we waiting for?" Hook, "The terrain is not easy. There will be undoubtedly be some nasty impediments along the way."

I said, "We should prepare for it,then. I hate to point out the obvious but we only made it out of our last encounter because Pan let us." Emma, "Sasha's right. We need a new plan. It's time to stop playing his game and he starts playing ours."

Regina, "And if I disagree?" Emma, "Go ahead but I think you know our best chance is together" Regina, "You better be right."

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