~Nasty Habits~

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Hook, "It appears Neal marked his days trapped on this island" Melinoe, "But then he stopped counting" Snow, "Because he got off the island."

I say, "But he was here longer than that" Emma, "He lost hope. That's what I did every time I went to a new foster home. I counted the days until it seemed pointless."

Worried, I ask, "Do you think the same thing is happening to Henry? That Pan wants him to lose hope?" Emma hugs me, "Hey,don't worry. We are going to get him back."

I hug her back and I took some deep breath's, "Okay but Pan wants him to lose faith. Do we send him a message?" Regina, "But how? Because I haven't seen a Neverland Post Office."

I came up with an idea, "We need to take a page from Pan. We need to start being clever. We need to send Henry a simple sign. A sign that we are coming."

Regina, "With lost boys running around trying to kill us all?" I ask Snow, "What do you think,Snow?" Snow, "I think that we should start using that to our advantage."

Fact: Killian had an older brother,Liam-he was killed by dreamshade because they were sent by the King to Neverland when their land was at war. The King told them that it was medicine but being the stubborn ass that he was,he had to test it on himself and they found out the hard way that it was poison and not medicine.

Hook came up with another idea, "If this insignia survived all of these years then perhaps my brother's satchel did as well. Inside the satchel was a sextant that could help us decode Neal's star map."

I say, "And then we could get off this island" David went with Killian to retrieve the sextant. We tricked a lost boy by setting trap, "What are you doing? Do you want to start a war with Pan?"

I said, "Oh no. You are falsely mistaken. Pan started the war when he kidnapped Henry" Regina, "That doesn't make you our enemy,though."

She offered him some candy but he threw it away. Boy, "Don't you get it?" I yell at him, "Don't you? You are crazy! You just threw away some candy! What did it ever do to you?"

The boy ignored my questions as he says, "I am here because I don't want to go home. None of us do" I walked and retrieved the candy bar. Emma, "Pan's a monster. Look what he did to you." He smiles, "Pan didn't do that. Henry did."

I yell, "WHAT?!" The boy became scared of my anger as it displayed on his face. I pushed him up against a tree. "Henry is a lost boy now. Your boy is one of the most vicious recruits we've had in ages."Regina says to me, "Don't let him get to you,okay?" I took a deep breath and I said, "I'm good. I'm calm. I'm cool."

We agreed to send a message to Henry but we had to do it in the way that included of Regina taking out the boy's heart so she could speak into it,using the boy to talk to Henry. I said, "Let's send him that message!" Regina broke her mirror in half and gave one to the boy and one to us, "We are going to do much more than that. We are going to see him."

Emma held it up, "Henry? Are you okay? Henry,can you hear me?" I was in front of Regina,who had her arms wrapped around me in a comforting way.

Henry, "Mom?" Snow, "I'm here too,Henry!" I shout, "Hi,Henry!" Henry, "No,this is a trick" I say, "No,Henry. This is not a trick. I promise you,this is real."

Emma, "Kid,it's Operation Cobra Rescue. It's us" Henry, "You're here?" I say, "Yes" Regina, "We're coming to get you" Henry looks over his shoulder, "There's someone coming. It's Pan. I gotta go!"

I shout, "We love you!" He threw the mirror down where it cracked and ended the call. I thought to myself, 'He might get seven years bad luck for breaking that mirror.'

They,meaning David and Killian did not get the sextant because Pan had already gotten to it first but then I heard a whisper, 'Sasha.' I knew it was Pan but I ignored it.

Even though he is supposedly 'my soulmate',he was still an enemy to me because he did kidnap Henry. The whispers grew to be relentless, "I know that you can hear me,Sasha."

And just like if I were to receive a call from a scammer, I ignored him again.

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