~Sasha's Parasite~

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WARNINGS: Spoiler alerts included in this chapter from season four of OUAT and further ahead seasons of the show.


Long story short,we did find Anna and right away,we returned her to Arendelle and to her sister,Queen Elsa. When we did,we received praise from everyone and they even taught me and Melinoe how to ice skate for the first time-scary but fun.

I received a call from Emma, "Hello? Emma?" Emma, "Sasha. We need your help. Meet us in the Underworld" I say, "Okay. I'll be right there." I hung up.

I told Elsa, "Me and Melinoe need to go,we are needed. Thank you for having us" Elsa, "Thank you for reuniting me with Anna." I say, "Anytime." I smile at her as Melinoe and I travel to the Underworld.

We showed up and I asked, "Okay. What has happened?" Regina, "Hades is what has happened and also Zelena had a baby." I grew curious, "What is the baby?"

Regina, "A girl. She named it 'Robin' after Robin Hood." I was confused, "Okay. Let me get this straight: Robin Hood is the father of Zelena's daughter,Robin?"

Regina, "Yes. He was once my soulmate until Emma brought Maid Marian back from the past and Zelena disguised herself as Marian and that is how Robin Jr. is now here."

Regina, "The real Marian was killed by me a long time ago. She was also frozen by Ingrid,who was the Snow Queen. She was the aunt to Elsa and Anna." Emma, "Also,she was an old foster mother of mine."

Regina, "Ingrid tried to blame the whole thing on Elsa when she was in Storybrooke." I ask, "Why was Elsa in Storybrooke?" Regina, "She was looking for Anna,same as you."

I say, "Let me guess,Hades and Zelena fell in love and now that she has a baby,he wants to go back in time and reverse everything but to do that,he needs a pure innocent soul but he would need a baby and now he is after Robin Jr?"

Snow, "Actually,yes. How did you know that?" I say, "I read a prophecy about them back when I was on my journey to rescue Henry back in Neverland. It is also the same time travel spell that Zelena did not that long ago."

Just then,another portal opened up and in came Belle,Zelena and her baby. The portal closed and Zelena looked at me, "What are you doing here?" I said, "I thought you were dead because I killed you."

I then groan, "But I guess things happen for a reason." Zelena says, "You've got a point." Me and Belle share a hug and I ask Zelena, "What are you doing here though?"

She says, "The portal was opened by Hades. He is after my baby. Oh,yes,Sasha meet Robin Jr" I look at the baby and I say, "Hi,baby Robin" the newborn baby smiles at me and I smile at her as Zelena gives me her to hold.

Zelena has already told Regina and Co. about how the baby was in danger while I held the newborn baby before I handed her to Belle to hold.

I passed the baby to Belle because I began to feel something bad. It was almost like it was inside of me. I feel to the ground,unconscious and that was it before I woke up in the hospital.

The doctor told me that I had swollen lymph nodes in the lower area of my stomach as a symptom of whatever was happening to me. Regina, "Well,don't you think that I didn't notice that?"

The doctor, "What you have is a 'bubo." Emma, "What the hell is a 'bubo?" The doctor explains, "A 'bubo' is a sign of the bubonic plague." My eyes widened at that.

Doctor, "The Bubonic Plague is caused by a bacteria called, 'Yersinia Pestis.' Inside Sasha's body,the plague itself has invaded her lymph nodes."

Doctor, "That causes them to swell. Those are called, 'Buboes.' If the bacteria gets into her bloodstream,they could clog her arteries and she could die."

Everyone began to panic. I knew what this was because I did a report about it in school. The Bubonic Plague is very contagious. It was first reported in the 6th century and it killed over 150 million people worldwide.

Without treatment,this could kill over 50% of me as an infected person. Emma, "What do we do?" I then started to go in between multiple seizures and anaphylactic shocks.

Mary Margaret held onto Melinoe and took her out of the room along with Henry. Regina, "What the hell is that? What is happening to her?" Doctor, "She is no longer in control of her body."

I screamed because all I could see was a demon's face and it scared the shit out of me. Things started to fly around the room as well. I started to throw up bile as I screamed and cried while the demon inside of me began to laugh at my pain and everyone else's fear.

The equipment broke as it fell on the floor and the doors slammed shut and all I could hear were voices going, "Open the door!" "Please" I even heard Peter's voice, "Baby! Please! Let me in the room!"

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