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4 years later...

A lot has happened since Top Gun.

Physically, my hair's longer, and I'm a lot tanner than I used to be. I've grown up. Mentally, I'm still just as cold and ruthless as my call sign suggests.

I was sent straight to Florida after graduation for a deployment.

My dad beat his throat cancer.

Phoenix and I stayed in touch, and even Rooster reached out every once in a while.

And Hangman... I haven't seen him since graduation.

But none of that mattered.

Because I was getting called back to Top Gun.

Most graduates would never come back after graduating Top Gun, or even use their skills in the real world.

The top 0.01% would come back and teach.

So why was I called back anyhow?

A mission, and all other details were classified.

I  asked my dad to tell me, but he simply said that I'd find out along with the others.


Sometimes there were perks to being an Admiral's daughter, but other times, he was just as strict with me as anybody else. If not, more.

But I liked that. It meant the expectations for me were high, and I never disappointed.

Interrupting my inner thoughts, my father, Admiral Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, asked me, "Zoe, are you excited to see anyone?"

"What do you mean, Dad?" I asked, putting the last of my bags in my car. I wiped my hands on my jeans, and then leaned against my car.

"Well, you're going back to Top Gun after four years, there must be someone you're excited to see."

I felt like there was more to what he had been saying, but I wasn't going to admit anything if he was prying. He motioned me to follow him inside, and I followed.

"I dunno. I think Phoenix is coming back too, it'll be nice to see her." I say, walking through the living room to the kitchen.

"Is that the girl that visited last summer?" Iceman asked.

"Yeah that's Tasha," I opened the fridge and grabbed a water to drink.

"Is there there anybody else you want to see? Like a guy?"

I did tell my mother about Hangman, after she saw me kiss his cheek at graduation. I rolled my eyes, "Did mom tell you about it?"

My father was never open with his emotions, but after his cancer and my deployment, we got closer. And it got better when I got nieces and nephews from my sister, Stephanie. "I knew it Zoe! You told her and not me?" He practically pouts.

I glared at him. "This is why I don't tell you these things. You want to know everything about my love life, or lack thereof. If you found out I had a crush on a guy, you'd do a background check on him, and maybe have somebody tail him! Do you not remember that time when—"

"I just wanted to make sure you're safe. You never talk to me about your love life, or anything new happening. You're practically 30, maybe it's time to—"

"Yeah, it's not exactly something you really talk to your dad about. And I'm 27, not 30, I have time. Besides, you didn't get married until you were 28. And it all worked out."

"Only thanks to your mother." He admits.

I looked down at my watch, checking the time. "I think I'm almost ready to head out Dad."

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