| the ride |

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"No." I said, firmly sitting down in my seat, taking back my hand.

My heartbeat was pounding in my ears, I hadn't been this nervous in years. Hopefully Jake couldn't read me like an open book.

"No? Come on why not?" Jake groaned, "Live a little Zoey." He offered his hand out again.

I loved the way he said my name.

"I don't dance." I said.

"So the high and mighty Avalanche admits she's not perfect at everything." He presses.

My eyes harden, "At least I'm closer to perfection than you."

"Prove it." Challenge glinted in his eyes, and I couldn't back down.

I grabbed Jake's hand, and he pulled me out of my seat, and lead me to the dance floor.

And we danced.

We weren't the only ones dancing, the floor was covered in couples, and I spotted Phoenix with Payback.

I wasn't perfect at dancing, and neither was he, but Jake managed to spin me, and I managed to not to slip and fall.

I was way out of my comfort zone.

Hangman talked over the loud music, "You're better than I thought you were Zoe." 

I had to raise my voice too, "What did you expect, Jake?"

Jake doesn't hesitate when he whispers into my ear, "I don't know." I can feel his hot breath on my ear for a second, until he stands up straight like nothing ever happened.

I didn't expect such an honest answer from him.

I clear my throat, trying to break the tension. "I was never a dancer or cheerleader type. I did sports from the time I could run to the end of high school. Luckily, I have just enough coordination for this."

Hangman chuckles as we move to the beat, his hands in mine slowly pushing me away, before pulling me closer.

"Speaking of soft, what's this other side of you for?" I ask jokingly.

"What do you mean?"

He was honest with me, I should be with him. "When you're around me, you don't act the same. You're a little more open. Less cocky? Actually you're not really, but—"

Jake apologized, "Zoe, I'm sorry if I..."

A fire blazed in my eyes as I corrected him, "No, I like our little rivalry."

"So do I. Sweetheart," Jake tacked onto the end, just to annoy me.

"Okay Bagman." I retorted.


Two could play at this game. I just hope I didn't read his intentions wrong.

The song comes to an end, and Jake says, "Thanks for dancing with me."

"Anytime." I say, and we both walk back to our unattended drinks. I look down at my watch and frown, it's late.

"Do you need a ride?" Jake offers.

"Yes she does," Phoenix popped out from behind me.

"Jeez Tasha, you can't sneak up on me like that. Wait, I thought you were driving?" I panicked, the last time I was taken home by Jake was only bearable because I was slightly drunk.

I only had one drink tonight and so did he.

"Because you have to get up early for that meeting with Commander Metcalf. And I'm not going back to our dorm until later."

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