| the break |

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Phoenix yelled at me, "Break right!"

"No! Bank left!" Coyote instructed me.

This reminded me of the FRIENDS episode where Ross is trying to move his couch into his new apartment across the street from Monica's.

Key word, trying.

Pivot. Pivot! Pivot!

Nobody knows what to do, we only know that we're stuck.

Let me back up to 30 seconds ago. Me, Phoenix, Omega, and Coyote were on a team together. We were going against, Hangman, Rooster, Payback and Fanboy who were on the other team. And we were dogfighting, just as a little warm up for today.

And because I had to cover Coyote's flank, it left me wide open to an attack from Rooster.

"I can't shake him!" I said, trying to maneuver out of the way, but Rooster was getting closer and closer.

My warning missile lock beeped every other second, and I was about to go out first. I was not about to let that happen.

Phoenix yelled at me, "Break right!"

"No! Bank left!" Coyote instructed me.

In a split second decision, I did neither, I instead led Rooster up in the sky, and right before he pressed his trigger to shoot me, I turned on the brakes, and he shot past me.

Suddenly at the advantage, I hurried and hit trigger as soon as I got my missile lock and took him out.


With no time to celebrate, I focused on the two shadows that passed above me, which was Phoenix and Payback going head to head.

That left me and Coyote to go after Hangman.

"COYOTE!" Omega called, "Circle around and pretend to get Hangman then get over here and get Payback."

It didn't sound like a bad idea, and no one else could come up with anything better.

"Sounds like a plan?" Payback asked me.

"It's fine. Go. Hangman's all mine." I claimed.

"Hangman's all yours, alright." Phoenix teased.

"Not now Phoenix." I gritted out, hearing Omega and Coyote trying to hide their chuckles.

Me and Coyote moved in formation, both behind Hangman.

Coyote came from the left, and you could visibly watch Hangman reluctance to choose a side to escape.

But then Coyote banked to get Payback too soon, and Hangman saw right through our plan.

Payback flipped around and shot down Coyote, and now he was chasing Phoenix.

Our luck was not looking up at the moment.

"Omega give me eyes!" Phoenix yells.

"Avalanche, Hangman's coming in at your 7!" Omega says.

"Gotcha. You got Payback and Fanboy?" I ask.

"For now." Phoenix grunts as she pilots their plane into a dive.

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