| the dance |

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Tonight was the night I should've stayed in my dorm.

But no, I just had to listen to Phoenix, and prove that I wouldn't back down from a challenge, especially from Hangman.

Because tonight was Saturday, or more specifically, the night where the Hard Deck was holding its monthly dancing night.

It started out as a little nod to all the regulars who had been going there for years; a reminder of the good old days. But the real party started when they left and we were left to celebrate.

I had never personally gone to one, because for the last two months, I had been a workaholic.

"Phoenix, do we really have to go tonight?"

She flipped around, and gave me a stern look, like one my mother would give to me. "Zoey Kazansky. We are going, and getting out. You can't keep being cooped up here, all depressed. Besides, do you want Hangman of all people to believe you're a quitter."

"Well no, but—"

"No buts Avalanche. Besides, I know someone will be very happy to see you tonight." Phoenix reminded me.

"You're wrong," I rolled my eyes, "Hangman's just trying to get on my nerves."

Natasha smiles coyly, "You're the one that brought him up."

"Shut it Phoenix." I said, blood rushing to my face.

Phoenix and I walked into the bar, arms linked, and my eyes wandered all around. A group of our classmates had gathered either outside under the lights of the deck, or around the pool table.

Old music streamed through the Hard Deck, and my eyes wandered at all the twinkling lights strung down from the beams.

I wore what I deemed to be a nicer spaghetti strap sundress that I had saved for going to the beach. It was a light blue which made my eyes look brighter than they actually were, and decorated by little white flowers. But most of the dress was covered by my black leather jacket.

"What do you want Tasha?" I asked Phoenix.

"Just a beer." She said, waving me off to go talk to her wingman, Omega.

"Can I get two beers please?" I asked Penny.

"Sure." She said, bending down to grab the drinks below.

"Put her drink on my tab," Hangman said, smoothly sliding in next to me, leaning against the bar countertop.

"Ignore him, I can pay for my own drink." I told Penny.

"I'll pay for both of them." He adds.

Frustrated, I let out a sharp breath before beginning, "Hangman, I don't know what kind of game you're playing here—"

Hangman silences me, "No, no, not tonight." He sagas "Tonight we're just us. Okay? We're not pilots for the navy, we're not coworkers. You're Zoey and I'm Jake."

I'm my confusion, Penny had left, and I knew that she had let Jake pay for my drink.

"Okay." I said, trying to fight the small grin threatening to appear on my face. But that's when I remembered where we were, "Now better get back to the group or else Phoenix is going to complain that her drink is too warm."

"Sure," Jake says, and I turn to head to the pool table. I let out a little gasp, as his warm hand makes his way to the small of my back, partly guiding me and partly so he doesn't lose me in the crowd.

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