15. Ashs thoughts

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Ashtons pov:

I know I keep saying it, but I missed her so damn much. I should have been there for her though all of it. I'm so worried that it could have been more than just cutting....

I know I love her. I always have.

I stared at her as she slept. Her red wavy hair creating a river across my legs.
As I lay playing with her hair, a smile creeps across my lips. This is just how we lied together the night when she needed me, and I was there for her.

I remember when she found out about her dad. I was with her. I held her as she cried. I cried too.
That was the day that ruined everything.

About two weeks after, she had to move with her mum to America. I've never cried as much as when I did as she told me that. I knew I was going to lose her.

I went with her to the airport. Nothing can ever beat how broken I felt that day. We only ever had each other. My entire life, I saw myself with the girl and her red hair, but in that moment, I saw myself alone forever. As she walked through the gates, I couldn't keep myself together.

I kissed her that day.

After a few hours, she woke up.
"Hey red," I smiled,

"Hey. What's the time?"

"About 2:30 am,"

"Damn." She said getting up and walking to the door.

"Where you going?" I asked,

"To bed," she giggled. "Wanna come?"

"Thought you'd never ask," I smirked, joking.

"Haha no. Just cuddling. No shenanigans,"

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