14 1 0

We spent hours searching, and got no results.

However, we gained some information from the locals, about needed work and any bounty hunters or police droids around. Or Jedi, for that matter.

Obi-Wan and I talked the entire way, bantering to keep ourselves busy, and to keep from overthinking. I was constantly plagued by pondering about things that were unnecessary. Obi helped in that accord.

As much as we found out about Coruscant, I found out about Obi-Wan Kenobi. I realised he lived most of his life either in the Jedi Temple or Republic cruisers, travelling to many different planets to train and be taught for his eventual Jedi Knighting.

I thought it was a tough life to live.

"Is that..." Obi-Wan trailed off from his previous story about pranking younglings to look at the building in front of us.

A massive sign outside told us it was up for sale.

We practically ran inside, ecstatic that we had finally found something.

As we started to walk towards the doorway, we were greeted by an elderly looking creature of a species I did not know.

"Hello there. Come to tour the house, I'm guessing?" He asked. At the sight of the creature, Obi-Wan looked down. I frowned at him, but answered the dragon-looking humanoid.

"Yes, thank you. I'm Lily, and this is my fiancé, Ben." I gestured to Obi, giving him a slight nudge, but he didn't look up to face the landlord.

"Oh, lovely, a newly engaged couple, I'm guessing?" I nodded curtly. "Good, because then my quaint apartment would suit you perfectly." I looked up at that, unsure of what he meant, but before I could ask he'd already moved on.

"Surnames?" He asked. I cleared my throat.

"Uh, Nyx and Kenobi." Obi-Wan froze at the mention of his name. I gulped. Did he know this creature?

"Kenobi, huh?" He surveyed my partner. I just stood awkwardly still. "Ever been to Coruscant, Ben?"

Obi-Wan tried to look more natural, but failed. "No, sir. It's our first time. We're looking to start a small business, earn our keep." He made his voice deeper than it usually was.

The creature was silent for a moment. Then he chuckled. "Well, as long as you don't start multiplying, you can stay here. But, as I can see, you two can hardly keep away from each other." I rolled my eyes, taking a step back from the Padawan next to me. Why was everyone like this? It was extremely annoying, especially since Obi-Wan had sworn the Jedi Code, to never have attachments. But, I guess it was partly my fault. I had made our cover as fiancés, instead of friends or relatives. But engagement was the first thing that had come to mind in the moment.

"Trust me, we have no intention to start that anytime soon." I replied, but glanced at my companion. I wished he helped a bit more with the talking.

"Of course. Well, I've got your credentials here. All I need is some information." He handed two clipboards to us, and Obi and I started filling in false information that would fit with our covers. "And assurance that you'll pay on time. As kind as I am, I do need a few credits."

I looked at the price. It was such a little amount!

Suddenly my mind came to the only conclusion for such a small amount. "You're a Jedi, aren't you?" I asked quietly.

"Indeed, young one. Are you familiar with us Force sensitives?" He asked. His question was strange, especially since it was directed towards me.

"I've met a few." I replied. I finished filling in the clipboard, and handed it back, followed by Obi-Wan handing his back too. However, he did not thank the landlord as I did, only looked at the floor.

"Alright. I guess I'll be on my way then." The creature said, finally walking away from the doorway and letting us inside. "I'll be here for the pay check in ten rotations." I nodded. It was fair.

"Thank you!" I called after him, but then realised that being polite wasn't a great cover.

Most in the Uscru District were the opposite of polite.

As I walked in to the apartment, my eyes adjusting to the little light, I gaped at what I saw.

Only one double bed.

I sighed audibly, cursing the creature. He never let us see the house!

Obi-Wan froze as he walked in, surveying the bed with the en-suite bathroom and the small kitchen. Not even a couch.

"We can buy another bed..." he trailed off. We didn't have the credits for that. Hell, we didn't have any credits. I had brought some, but not much.

"We'll just have to deal with it, for now." I sat down on the bed, removing my helmet. "However, you've got some explaining to do."

He sighed, sitting down next to me and covering his face with his hands. "He's a Jedi, so I know him. He's old, even taught me some of what I know. He's also very wise, and probably sensed it was me."

I cursed under my breath. "Do you think he'll turn us in?"

Obi-Wan thought long and hard. "No..." he finally answered, which was hardly enough for my curious brain. But I resisted the urge to ask. We had more important business.

"I'm guessing none of your luggage survived?" I asked, and surprisingly he told me some clothes made it out.

"Some robes from the Temple, classic stuff like I'm wearing now." He opened his cloak to reveal the large pocket that he'd stashed the clothes.

"Only my armour made it out, and I left my dress on the ship. It would probably be suspicious if I went to fetch it now." I looked at the floor, embarrassed for asking.

Obi-Wan held out his hand with the robes. "What other option do we have?" He asked. I sighed.

"I'll have to wear yours," I snatched the robe, stalking away to the bathroom.

"Uh, okay, then." He said as I slammed the door behind me.

Finally alone, I let my controlled façade crash down as I slid to the floor, hugging my knees and staring, emotionlessly, at the tiled floor at my feet.

It had all gone downhill so quickly. Now I was so far away from Mandalore, from my family, from my people, and forced to keep a low profile and share a bed with a man I just met.

However, I didn't cry. No, there was no point reminiscing over what I couldn't change.

The only thing I could do was focus on the present, on staying undercover and not letting any bounty hunter get some much needed credits.

It was late, late enough to get ready for bed, so once I changed into Obi-Wan's robes and brushed my hair out as much as I could, I stashed my armour in the corner of the bathroom and left the comfortable solitude.

"You look good," Obi told me. I chuckled. "Only because you're in my clothes, of course." He corrected, moving up to the one edge of the bed. He had constructed a barrier made of pillows in between us. I smiled gratefully at him. He must have remembered how much I hated physical contact.

We lapsed into a comfortable silence, but I realised I couldn't just sit there without expressing my gratitude. "Obi-Wan, I just wanted to say thank you." He looked away from the ceiling to glance at me.

"For what?" His one brow was raised. It looked...

I stopped myself. It looked like a normal human expression, Satine. "For coming with me, protecting me. For sticking your neck out for a stranger." I repeated the words that I had said earlier. He smiled softly.

"Anytime." His words seemed to echo in my head for a reason I couldn't explain.

"We should probably get to sleep..." I suggested, shifting to get comfortable.

"Right." He replied and switched the bright light off. "Goodnight, my dear."

The corners of my lips quirked upwards. "Night, darling." With that, we both lulled into a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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