Part 21

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Mias POV:
I jumped up in my bed, grabbing at my neck, to feel it was bruised and swollen. I'd hoped what had happened with Topper was a dream but it seemed to be my reality. I looked around my room, two holes in my door, and Rafe's shoes thrown by my window. I tried to hum quietly to myself, no noise came out. I panicked, realising he'd done some real damage to my voice box, it could take days to come back.

'Hey darling, I'm so so sorry this happened to you.' My mum cooed, opening my bedroom door and rushing towards me with a cup of tea.

I held my hands out, not understanding what was going on or where my boyfriend was. I looked up in the doorway, Rafe was leaning against the frame, a little blood on the cuff of his shirt and a black eye. He fiddled with his shirt, looking down at the floor, but I could tell he had taken a good look at my neck whilst I'd been sleeping.

'I'll leave you two to it, shall I?' My mum asked awkwardly, leaving the drink on my bedside table and squeezing my hand, getting up and walking towards the door.

She rubbed Rafe's shoulder softly before leaving us alone in the room. I couldn't speak, but I wasn't sure he wanted to either, and so I tapped the bed besides me, encouraging him to lay down next to me.

He didn't, standing cautiously over my bed, hesitating to run his hand softly along my neck. I reached for his hand and he pulled it away, sitting down besides me and gripping his head with his hands.

'Rafe.' I croaked, trying my hardest to speak but all that managed to come out was a raspy noise. He looked up at me, anger glistening in his eyes.

'I'd kill for you, Mia. I'd really fucking kill for you.' He said angrily, running his hand along his mouth, tapping on his jaw as if he was thinking.

I shook my head, not wanting him to get wound up anymore than he clearly had. He ran his fingers over my hand, calming me whilst almost winding himself up.

'Do you remember anything?' He asked cautiously, tilting his head to look at me more sincerely.

I shook my head, knowing I was passed out. He nodded slowly, running his tongue along his bottom lip and fiddling with his rings.

'He's gone, to jail I mean. Topper ruined his chances of bail just to come and take it out on you.' He said agitated, not wanting to tell me the details.

I furrowed my eyebrows, waiting for him to continue, but he didn't. I sighed, taking my phone out of my pocket and typing something in my notes, turning it to Rafe to read.

Did you send him to jail dead or alive?

Rafe lent down to read the message and chuckled to himself, getting up and walking towards the window.

'He's alive, not in the sharpest of conditions but he's alive.' He shrugged, turning back towards me.

After a few moments of silence, he sighed heavily, sitting on my windowsill and looking over at me.

'Mia, you've gotta understand what he did to you. He was your best friend, you did nothing but tell the truth. Look at what he's done to you!' He exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.

I opened my mouth to speak but he held his hand out stopping me instantly.

'You almost died, in that moment I wanted nothing more than to see him the way he'd made you, helpless, in pain. I wanted him to suffer worse than you were suffering.' He explained, leaning his head against the window and looking out onto the driveway.

I got up from bed, and walked towards him, sitting on his lap.

'Hey, you've gotta lie down. You need to rest.' He sighed, picking me up and walking me back towards the bed, laying me down and placing both of his arms on either side of me.

I held onto his neck and leaned my face forwards trying to force him in for a kiss. He kissed me softly but pulled away, cautious of the pain I was in and not wanting to hurt me. I sighed and watched as he rolled his eyes at me, sitting down to put on his shoes.

'I don't wanna leave you alone right now, but I've gotta go and see Barry.' He whispered in my ear, kissing my cheek and throwing on his coat.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it softly before walking towards the door. I felt my eyes prick with tears. I'd been strangled by my best friend and now my boyfriend was leaving me alone to go and see his drug dealer. I waited until I heard him disappear, before taking out my phone and texting JJ, knowing I'd regret it instantly.

Me: meet me on the dock in 10

JJ: are you sure this is to the right person?

Me: JJ we need to speak. Now.

I put on my shoes and tried to cover up my neck as well as possible, putting on a roll neck tshirt and a jumper. I climbed from my window, not wanting to speak to my parents or risk bumping into Carla again. I told JJ I'd meet him on the dock, which just so happened to be at the end of Rafe's home, and so I put my hood up and ran to the end of the dock, sitting against a post so that I couldn't be seen from the home. I waited 5 minutes before starting to worry, realising I'd made a rushed decision and that JJ could turn up with anyone.

'Hey.' I heard a voice say from behind me, making me jump a little. I turned to JJ and he smiled, his smile fading the second he saw my face.

'Mia, why are you bruised?' He asked, sitting besides me and pulling the rollneck down, carefully running his hands over my neck. I grabbed his hands and moved him away, smiling at him softly but insisting he stopped.

'Topper sent Sarah away. He's in jail.' I said slowly, focusing on my breath after every word.

'And he did this to you, for telling the truth? For protecting Rafe?' He asked sadly, reacting completely different to the way I thought he would.

I nodded, closing my eyes as I tried to get rid of the pain in my throat.

'Where are they?'

'Nassau. John B wanted me to clear his name. I did it.' I responded, looking out at the water. JJ reached for my hand and held onto it, looking in the same direction I was too.

'You did that for him?' He asked, almost shocked but not wanting to tell me completely how shocked he was.

'I did it for all of us. John B is safe, so Is Rafe.' I said quietly, making eye contact with him to notice his eyes blurred over in tears.

'There's no breaking you from Rafe, huh?' He asked softly, looking down at the dock.

I shook my head, wondering why he was asking.

JJ stood up, rubbing the dirt from his hands on his trousers.

'I really hope you get better soon Mia, truly. I'll see you around.' He said hoarsely, walking away.

Rafe was stood besides him, looking at him in disgust.

'Stay the fuck away from her.' He said angrily, raising his fist towards JJ.

'Don't worry man, I don't wanna go anywhere near her.' JJ sighed, pushing past Rafe and walking away.

In the confusion, Rafe didn't follow him, instead, he turned towards me, wondering what I'd said. And I wanted to know too, why JJ reacted that way. I shook my head at Rafe, telling him I wasn't sure.

'Mia, we've gotta go inside. Now'

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