Part 23

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Mias POV:
'Don't give her too much tonight Kelce, I'm being serious, she's got a sore throat.' Rafe said warningly, putting a firm but friendly hand on Kelce's shoulder.

'Sucked too much dick?' He teased.

Rafe span to look at him, a joke hedve found funny any other time seemed to rub him up the wrong way, considering my bruises were left by our bestfriend.

'Top strangled her, bro.' Rafe replied sternly, taking my hand and walking me along the beach before anyone could make the conversation even more awkward.

'It's okay Rafe, you don't need to protect me as much as you do.' I said, running my thumb slowly over his hand.

'No, Mia, you don't get it.' He whispered, shaking his head and looking away from me.

'I don't get it? He strangled me, Rafe.' I scoffed, crossing my arms and forcing him to look at me now he'd made it a serious conversation.

'I did bad things to him, Mia, when I saw you lying there like that, I've never lost my shit that bad.' He said through gritted teeth, trying to take the attention away from us.

I tilted my head backwards and poured a mouthful of alcohol down my throat, closing my eyes before snapping them open, realising what he'd said.

'What do you mean you've never lost your shit that bad, Rafe? You've killed people before.' I said slowly. Finishing my drink and throwing the cup to the side.

He shook his head, sitting down on a log and tapping his leg for me to sit ontop of him.

'Look, I'm sorry, and I don't ever expect you to want to know what happened that night.' He explained, pushing a hair behind my ear as I reached for another cup.

'No, I wanna know, tell me what happened, all of it.' I pushed, placing a hand on his shoulder and showing him he could trust me.

'Topper.' I heard her choke, a loud bang pushing her against the wall.

I jumped up from the floor, taking a deep breath and kicking open the locked door, my eyes gravitating to Mia who was lying almost lifeless besides her bed.

'What the fuck did you do!' I shouted, my hands shaking with anger, not sure if I should help her or hurt him.

Topper backed away from me, sitting on the windowsill and looking down at her in fear.

'I'm so sorry, I got worked up.' He panicked, clutching at his hair with his hands.

I lifted her silent body up off of the floor, tucking her into bed and turning her so that if she was to wake up, she'd not see what happened next.

'Help, I need someone up here to help her!' I shouted down the stairs, turning back to Topper, who was trying to open the locked window.

I chuckled, grabbing him by the collar and throwing him onto the floor.

'Don't think for a second you're gonna leave this house without a scratch, because you're fucking dead, Topper.' I warned, punching him hard in the face and standing him up just to punch him again.

Both mine and Mia's fathers ran upstairs, my dad pulling me away from Topper, and Mias dad running towards his daughter.

'Dad, you've gotta let me go.' I begged, trying to pull myself from my father.

'I can't let you hurt him,but we can pretend I lost control of you.' He responded in a whisper, letting go of my arm and falling to the floor.

I nodded courteously at my dads slight bit of remorse, reaching for Topper again.

'Look at her.' I said through gritted teeth, grabbing his throat and holding his face up so that he was able to see Mias bruised neck.

He closed his eyes and that's when I punched him again, going crazy and not being able to stop.

'She was your friend, look at what you fucking did to her!' I screamed, kicking him until I heard no more noise coming from him.

I heard the sirens now, I knew I'd not get into trouble, Mia had already helped me with that one. I slowly stood up, kicking him in the stomach one more time and wiping the blood on my knuckles onto my tshirt, taking heavy breaths as I tried to calm myself down.

'Rafe, what did you do.' Rose said slowly, standing in the doorway with Mias sobbing mother.

'I'm not sorry, Rose, look at what he did to her.'  I replied, running my hand through my hair, shaking viciously.

'No, you don't need to apologise.' Mias mother said, resting her hand on my shoulder as she continued to cry.

'Police, hands where I can see them!' Shoupe shouted, pointing his gun In the air.

He dropped it slowly when he saw that Topper was in no state to fight back.

'Are we going to need an ambulance, Rafe?' He asked me, sitting down besides Topper and checking for a pulse. 

'I don't think he deserves one.' I responded, crossing my arms and watching as my father shot me a venomous look.

Topper was pulled from the room on a stretcher, and everyone was taken downstairs for statements.

'Clean the floor, Rafe, Mia won't want to wake up to this.' My father explained, handing me a cloth and squeezing my shoulder, closing the door behind me.

'Fuck!' I screamed, throwing the cloth at the wall, launching myself at the door and punching it a couple of times, before realising I wasn't in my own home and I didn't want to leave anymore of a mess than I had.

I picked up the cloth, taking it to her bathroom and soaking it with water, starting to clear up the blood on the floor. It didn't take too long, and once I was done, I made sure to hide the cloth at the bottom of the bin. I hadn't been to check on her too closely, knowing that her throat was bad but there was nothing a hospital could do for her.

I took off my clothes and changed, putting my bloody clothes in the laundry basket before washing my own hands and face. My knuckles were cut badly, and after rushing to bandage them, I sucked up the courage to go and lay besides her. I pulled back the covers, looking at her throat and my anger flared up again.

'Fuck, I'm so sorry.' I whispered frantically, covering her back up again and rushing to put my shoes on. I closed my eyes and tried to talk myself out of it.

Me: I need the strongest Shit you've got.

Barry: fuck man, are you sure? It's on back order it won't be here until later.

Me: I'll come and get weed now, and I'll wait for it. I need it.

Barry: your Mrs won't be happy I'm doing this.

Me: she's not feeling too good right now man, she won't know. Trust me.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now