Part 15

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Mias POV:
He took me upstairs to his room and closed the door behind us, pacing, as usual, besides his window.

'Rafe you're stressing me out.' I slurred, watching as he walked back and forth across his room.

He stood still just for a second to look me up and down, almost glaring at me.

'You're drunk, Mia, you're stressing me out.' He responded, pulling his curtains closed and turning on the light.

'What're you doing? It's the middle of the day.' I huffed.

'You're gonna sleep this alcohol off, and then we're gonna talk.' He said sternly, taking off his shirt and getting into bed besides me.

'I don't think I can sleep when you look this good.' I muttered, turning to face him, running my hand along his chest.

I heard a breath get caught in his throat, as he moved one hand to my hip.

'Oh, you can.' He responded, pulling me closer.

'Rafe.' I groaned.

'Go to sleep, before you irritate me.' He said, warningly.

'You always irritate me.' I muttered quietly, letting my body relax.

'Hm, Well, you don't wanna get me like this when you're drunk, I don't think you'll be able to take it.' He whispered, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

I ignored his comment, closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep, but the sounds of police sirens getting closer and closer kept us both up, I could tell he was getting tense.

'Rafe, I'm okay, really, let's just go downstairs.' I muttered, sitting up and grabbing both of his hands.

'They're after me.' He whispered, staring at the ceiling and moving my hand away from his.

'No, Rafe you don't know that.' I responded, really feeling the alcohol in my head but not wanting to show it.

He sighed, turning to look at me and pulling me closer.

'Go to sleep.'

I sat up in bed, kicking my feet over the edge and standing up and making my way to the window, seeing police standing at the end of the driveway.

'Rafe.' I muttered, covering my mouth in shock.

'They're here, aren't they?' He asked, getting out of bed and putting a t-shirt on.

'Rafe you can't go down there.' I begged, grabbing him and stopping him from opening his bedroom door.

'Hey, trust me, okay? You're gonna go home, and I'm gonna go to the station.' He assured me, making me believe he had a plan.

'No, what if you never come back!' I exclaimed, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the door. He rolled his eyes, picking me up and carrying me down the stairs.

'Listen to me, okay? I'm gonna get out of this.' He whispered, putting me down on the floor besides the front door.


'Mia, shut the fuck up, okay?' He said angrily, regretting it once he'd said it.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he stopped me, kissing me one last time, before opening the front door to the police.

'Rafe Cameron, you're coming in for questioning.' They said, grabbing his wrist before he even had time to step from the house.

'Rafe tell them you didn't do it!' I shouted, reaching for his hand but being pulled away by an officer I didn't recognise.

'He'll have plenty of time to do that in custody, Miss Anderson.' Shoupe said, grabbing Rafe by the handcuffs and walking him towards the car.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw JJ and Pope, watching from the bushes of Topper's house.

'This was you? I can't fucking believe you!' I shouted, watching as they ducked back out of sight.

'You should get inside Mia.' Shoupe replied sternly, closing the door of the car and rolling down the window, starting the engine.

'Don't patronise me.' I responded, crossing my arms.

'Mia, go inside, I'll see you soon. I love you.' Rafe stuttered, scrambling to squeeze my hand before the car pulled away. 

'John B has ran away and that's not suspicious to you?' I called after Shoupe.

He honked the horn twice before turning the corner, almost tormenting me. I kicked a stone on the ground in the direction he'd gone, swearing under my breath before turning my attention back to Toppers house. Pope and JJ were now sat against the wall, almost waiting for me to notice them.

'Does Rafe being locked up mean I get a second chance?' JJ teased jokingly, as I sat opposite them both on the wall.

'What did you do?' I asked, trying to figure it all out in my head.

'John B is missing, there's gotta be only one man involved. I didn't want to have to call the police Mia.' JJ sighed, fiddling with his shirt.

'It wasn't Rafe, he's been with me all day!' I exclaimed, genuinely annoyed they didn't believe me, as for once, Rafe was in the clear.

'Well, they'll question him and if he truly is innocent they'll let him free. So don't expect him out.' Pope said bitterly, standing up.

'What have I done to you?' I asked, standing up also, looking at him with my arms crossed.

'You chose him over us! Rafe Cameron? Come on man.' He said, kissing his teeth and kicking the ground.

'I've always been friends with Rafe, and with you, I never wanted it to come down to a choice.' I said sadly.

'Well you've chosen, unfortunately. We're off to find John B.' Pope said, pulling JJ up off of the ground.

I looked to JJ who's facial expression didn't change.

'I'm sorry.' He whispered, reaching out to squeeze my hand before I was left alone in my own head, trying to figure out what I was to do next.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now