Taste of your medicine

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Request by- georgiaa1573

Blake SWORE that ash was bipolar. Okay maybe she didn't mean that literally but hear me out. Ash was the type of person to have a lot of mood swings. Like one hour he will be a total asshole but then right after follow Blake around like a lost puppy. Or Blake would be trying to get his attention but he would ignore her, and then once he realized she gave up, he would be all over her.

There ain't no inbetween.


Ash and Blake sat silently in the car as they drove aimlessly around town.

Blake slightly hummed to the radio when she felt ashtrays hand on her thigh.

Ash had been acting like an asshole the past week. He was in a rotten mood and blake was starting to get annoyed by it. So, instead of letting his hand rest on her thigh, she pushed his hand off, and shifted away from him as if she was uncomfortable. Blake saw in the corner of her eye that ashtray was looking at her.

He waited another moment before placing his hand back on her thigh. Which again she pushed off.

"Are you mad at me?" Ash genuinely asked.

He tried focusing his eyes on the road but couldn't help but glance at blake who rested her elbow against the door.


She fought back a smile that threatened to form on her face.

Blake felt the car slow down as ash pull to the side of the road, parking the car and turning his body to face blake.

"Did I do somthing?" He asked

"No" she mumbled, mentally laughing at him.

"Then what is up with you? You moved my hand off of your thigh"

"Well sorry I didn't want your hand on my thigh" blake rolled her eyes a sighed

"What did I do?"

Ash stared at her for a second, expecting her to answer

"Blake what the fuck is yo- w-why are you laughing?"

Ash watched as blake burst into a fit of laughter, her head hung low as she tried breathing

"What the fuck..." ash mumbled, looking at his girl laughing for no reason that he knew

"I got you so- good" she laughed, pointing at him before he slapped her arm away

"Fuck you" he rolled his eyes, sitting back against his seat with a pout

"Oh come on" she chuckled "you've been acting like an asshole all week, I just gave you a taste of your  medicine"

Ash looked out the window, not even looking at Blake.

She laughed quietly before unbuckling herself and climbing IVER to glove box to straddle ashtray in the drivers seat.

"Ash" she cupped his face

Ashtrays breathing picked up as her finger grazed against his cheek

"Asshhh" she trialed on as she shook his face to side to side for his attention

Ashtray knew he could never stay mad at Blake for ever. And he also knew they he couldn't resist Blake. But I think Blake knew that too...


and I also might change the book coverrrr

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