🍗 𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙉𝙪𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙨 🍗

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We have acquired more FNF BF and GF facts and honestly, I love it so much 😂 so here's a little thing that I wrote up. Also,

You, Boyfriend and Girlfriend had managed to escape the inescapable: a nightmare dimension created by none other than Sonic.exe. How you might ask? As the three of you entered the dimension, Boyfriend queried about whether or not there was a McDonald's in this eternal world. Sonic.exe — not knowing the outcome of his response — said that there was no McDonald's. So in a rage, Boyfriend and Girlfriend immediately and mercilessly slaughtered Sonic.exe and the three of you escaped unharmed.

. . .

"Damn, all of that fighting made me work up an appetite." Boyfriend announced, his stomach growling as he placed his hand upon it. He looked over to you and Girlfriend and said, "Wanna go to McDonald's?" "Hell yeah." Girlfriend responded, shooting her boyfriend a grin. You scanned your surrounding area as the two talked amongst themselves. Trying to see where exactly you were after escaping the nightmare dimension. As you were figuring out where you were, there was a McDonald's right across the street!  "Huh, shit. There's actually one right over there guys." You stated, pointing over to the brick building.

"Oh fuck yeah! Let's go!" Boyfriend exclaimed, grasping onto Girlfriend's hand as the two ran across the street into oncoming traffic. Not caring about who was about to hit them. By some miracle, the two managed to make it across the street unharmed. You stayed where you were, watching as everything took place in shock and disbelief. Once you knew they made it over to the fast food joint safely, you started searching for a way to make it over to them. You managed to find a crosswalk over to your right that was less than fifty feet away from you. "Those two dumbasses, I swear." You said to yourself, making your way over to the crosswalk.

The lights went off in an instant, turning from green to red. The cars stopped in place and you stepped out into the street, leisurely making your way over to the building now for a quick bite. You walked up to the main entrance of McDonald's and heard the familiar sound of the metal-like door opening, welcoming you inside. The entire restaurant was filled with people, some sitting around their tables eating while others were walking in and out of the building with pleased looks on their faces.

Upon entering the building, you took note of Boyfriend and Girlfriend ordering their meals at the front counter. Not necessarily familiar with how the fancy kiosk machines worked. You made your way over to the machines, finding an available one to use right away. As you approached the white screen, a familiar voice exclaimed so loud, it echoed throughout the entire restaurant.

"The fuck you mean you got no chicken nugget Happy Meals??" Boyfriend shouted angrily at the cashier. The man behind the register looked down at him and sighed. "Sir, we're completely out of chicken nuggets. We only have the Big Mac combo left. It comes with fries, a drink, and a toy." You poked your head out from behind the screen, witnessing the ordeal that was taking place. Noticing how Boyfriend's fists were clenched tight, a red aura starting to form around Girlfriend. "Aw shit, not again." You thought to yourself, unsure about what to do.

"Oh please I know bullshit when I see it!" Boyfriend yelled back, glaring at the cashier. "I'm afraid there is no BS happening, sir. We are simply out of chicken nuggets." The man replied. You could tell the cashier was getting annoyed by how agitated Boyfriend had become, equally as nervous at whatever was happening with Girlfriend. His eyes darted between the two of them nervously. Girlfriend was getting more angry by the minute, and Boyfriend was still just as furious.

The restaurant watched in silence, waiting for something to happen. Anything. Soon after, as you were about to intervene, Boyfriend and Girlfriend stomped off heading towards the PlayPlace that was in the building in a rage. The cashier continued to ring up orders, sighing as he did so. The other customers began to look at each other in confusion, wondering what was going on.

Just then...

A bolt came flying out of the PlayPlace room, hitting an innocent customer in the forehead. Sending them flying backwards, falling back first onto the ground. Their tray of newly ordered food flying out of their hands and falling to the grimy, tiled grounds. Everyone turned to look at the door leading to the play structure as screams of terrified children filled the building. A couple of workers from behind the counter ran towards the commotion, yet were stopped in their tracks as children ran out of the room in fear. The cashier glanced over to the noise in confusion, as one person exclaimed, "Call the cops! Call the cops!"

You ran over to the scene, trying to get a good look as to what was exactly going on. Your eyes widened as you saw Boyfriend and Girlfriend climbing up the play structure, tearing out iron bolts and screws, tossing them behind them with such force and no thought. You stood there, frozen in shock. Not comprehending the voices of the workers telling you to leave immediately. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. All you knew was that your friends were in a world of their own, in the midst of a dangerous rampage.

"Bee, stop!" You shouted out to him, trying to calm his rage down. "GG, please stop! What are you doing? Please, don't hurt anyone." You pleaded, but both of your friends didn't listen. They continued to climb higher until they reached the top. Both sitting there with displeased looks on their faces, glancing down at those below them. The last of children making their way out of the play room.

"THIS IS FOR THE NUGGETS!" Boyfriend screamed loudly, pulling out the final bolt that held the already wobbling structure. It collapsed to the ground in a matter of seconds, sending everyone else who remained in the restaurant running for cover. Within that time, Boyfriend and Girlfriend plummeted from the top of the structure, landing feet first on the floor. Screams and cries could be heard throughout the entire room, sirens blaring in the near distance.

You managed to managed to find a secure spot behind a wall to hide from the debris and dust that flew moments prior. Peeking out from behind the wall, you witnessed the aftermath of the destruction: Broken glass was everywhere, parts of the play structure scrambled about. Children cried hysterically from all around you as parents tried to calm down their unharmed kids.

Police slammed open the main entrance, hollering at everyone for answers as to what had happened. Searching immediately for the culprits. You were able to make eye contact with the police officer, hearing a familiar voice in the background. "Huh, I thought that would have been more eventful. Damn." Boyfriend commented, appearing much calmer now than moments prior. "I know right? Ugh." Girlfriend remarked, crossing her arms in front of her. Both appeared to not have been injured in any way.

One police officer approached Girlfriend and Boyfriend, looking at the two of them in disgust. "Alright, I'm sorry to say this, but you are both under arrest for destruction of property." The officer stated, pulling out handcuffs from their buttocks pocket. "What??" The couple exclaimed in shock.

They quickly pulled them on Boyfriend's wrists, then Girlfriend's. As the two of them were escorted out of the building — both groaning — the other officers began gathering evidence and asking folks what had exactly happened. You took a moment to compose yourself, watching as Boyfriend and Girlfriend were taken away into police custody. As the vehicle drove off, you looked around, noticing the other customers were still shaken up. Many of them staring at you, whispering amongst themselves. You quickly turned away, hoping the commotion wouldn't follow you home.

"The fuck happened here?" Said a familiar, raspy voice. You turned to it, finding Pico standing beside you. Glaring down with his typical, resting bitch face look. His brow raised and eyes narrowed in concern as he took in the disastrous scene surrounding you.
"How the hell did you get in here??" You queried in shock. "Doesn't matter. Tell me what the fuck happened." He demanded, crossing his arms in front of his body.

"Ugh, it's a long story." You grumbled, facepalming. "Do you know where the police station is?" "Pfft do I?" Pico scoffed teasingly, cocking you a grin. Wrapping an arm around your shoulder, guiding the both of you to the main entrance. "Course I do. Come on doll, let's get going."

𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧' 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 {𝙾𝙽 𝙷𝙸𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂}Where stories live. Discover now