M:Chapter 8; Maybe

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"Blake, do you- do you ever feel... Like- like somebody's watching you?"

I looked over into my brother's eyes.

"All the time."


"I'm sorry, Mrs. Hemmings. But I already explained this right after the accident. Blake's brain damage may be permanent."

"I know, but still... There has to be something you can do. Anything. I want my baby to remember me."

"We're trying our best, and some things are coming back, just not in the way you'd expect. Blake's memories are coming back in huge chunks. One a day, three a day... Who knows when she'll get them."

"But she will be alright..."

"That can't be proven yet."


"But it also cannot be proven that she won't. Like I said, we can only wait, and support her."

I flick through the soap operas on television while my mother and Nurse Ree conversate about my fate.

"I want her to remember a month ago. I want her to remember me, and her dad, and her brothers."

I sigh. She doesn't get it. I want to get better, but I... I just can't. I get the flickers of memories still, but nothing more really.

Speaking of which...

I grab the notebook, and scrawl the memory that woke me this morning in green ink. A flip the page, put my marker in it, and close the book. On TV, a rerun of Gossip Girl plays, and I watch Carter and Serena's conversation play out.

"Hey, baby." I look to the door, and see my mum standing there. After muting the TV, I pat the spot next to me. She sits, and I hug her briefly.

"How are you holding up?" I ask her, noticing the heavy bags underneath her eyes.

She shrugs. "Better... I guess."

"I'm glad."

"Do you remember much?" My mum asks, and I see in her eyes she's praying, hoping, for me to grin and say yes.

"A little," I answer, "but nothing seems vital or life- changing."

Her features droop slightly. "Oh, okay. Well, I should get home and make dinner. I love you."

"See you later, mum. Love you."

"There's a difference." I say.

"In what?"

"Love you and I love you."


"The difference? One has true meaning, you really do love the person. The other is just two words out together to make a statement needed to make the other feel good."


I've tried to remember, I really have. I've ransacked my brain and looked, searched for the things I need to remember.

Like what Calum said...

He said he was sorry for something, but what exactly is that something?


Hey guys! So as you can tell, I have edited all the previous chapters so the story actually makes sense! I hope that if you have the time you'll reread, and if you do (I'll be ever so grateful!) I hope you like it!!



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