K: Chapter 4;Keep A Secret?

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"Hi." I whispered.


"So..." I trailed.


"Can you keep a secret?" I asked quietly so only he could hear me.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I'm only telling you cause you're my friend. No telling, got it?" I looked at him firmly and wrapped my pinky around his.

"Tell me. I won't tell, cross my heart."

"I have..."

"You have?"

I took a breath. "Ihaveclaustrophobia."

"Come again?"

"I have claustrophobia. That's why I can't come over."

"It's okay. Your secret is safe with me."

He wrapped his skinny arms around my even skinnier bust in a big hug.



I'm awakened by the rude sunlight leaving a trail through my window, and directly onto my face. Finally I get some sleep, and this is how I'm awakened? Oh hell no!

After a long struggle, I manage to sit up and get my phone. I have no notifications, which strikes me as odd because the past few days I've been bombarded by friends and family members sending their well wishes.

I press the call button, signifying that I'm awake. Nurse Ree walks in with a tray of pills.

"I'm up." I tell her.

"Morning Bee. Good sleep?"

"Yeah." I think about the flashback. Should I tell her?

"Anything unusual?" She asks while taking my blood pressure.

"Actually, yes."

She looks alarmed. "What's that?"

"Well, I keep getting these really realistic flashbacks that pull me into a... a trance, almost."

"How long has this been happening?"

"The whole time."

"I'll be back!" Nurse Jackson runs out.

I'm alarmed at her response, and even more so when she comes back in with a tall man at her side. "Blake, this is Doctor Sanchez. He's gonna figure out what's going on."

He asks me questions, like how I eat and sleep, and I'm easily bored five minutes in.

Doctor Sanchez and Nurse Jackson walk me down hallways until we reach a large, blue- painted room that smells like hand sanitizer and plastic.

What's wrong?

I ask that when they start prepping me for an MRI. "I don't know yet." Dr. Sanchez admits.

They give me an MRI, and tell me that the results will be up in a few minutes.

"Blake, are you telling the truth?" Doctor Sanchez asks me.

"Yeah. Why?" I ask.

"Blake, you have a rare brain problem called Hyperthymesia. It allows you to vividly remember some things, and completely forget others. In this case, you are slowly gaining back huge chunks of your memory that is unnatural."

I gulp. "Is this bad?"

"It can be."

I give him an expectant look.

"You can either retain this knowledge and continue remembering the rest of your memories." He starts.

"Or..." I ask.

"Or you will decline, forget everything, and will never have the ability to retain memory."

Well shit.

"Is there a way to prevent this?" I ask.

"Unfortunately, no."

I feel deflated.

"I'm sorry."

I am too.


"Can you keep a secret?" I ask him quietly.

"Only if you can keep mine." Adam whispers back.

"Okay, here goes." I breathe. "Ihaveclaustrophobia."

"Come again?" he asks.

"I have claustrophobia."

He smiles warmly at me. "I have to confess."


"I um..."

"It's okay. You can tell me." I say.



I snap around to see a panicked Nurse Jackson.



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