I:Chapter 10; I Am...

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a/n: I know I haven't written in a while but I need to write this so let's go!


Balloons streamed over the heads of the birthday twins, and the family and friends applauded the new adults.

"Welcome to adulthood..." Luke whispered to his sister.

"We hope you enjoy your stay." Blake replied, smirking through her sarcastic remark.

She looked to the crowd, and her blue eyes were immediately met with a smiling amber pair. He raised a glass of champagne, as if to toast to her, and she smiled at the ground.


"So we cancelled our show to be with you..." Luke explains over the phone. "we should be over in twenty."

"Okay, just be careful." I reply, "I love you."

"I love you too, Bee."

The line goes dead.

"Ugh, I'm bored in here!" I call to Nurse Ree, who should be right around the corner.

"So watch t.v! Entertain yourself!" She calls back.

I roll my eyes and pick up my phone. Netflix is the only thing that can entertain me right now. I tune into another episode of Grey's Anatomy, an American show this girl Cora introduced me to. As another man gets cut into by Derek Shepherd, I think of my situation.

Only weeks ago, I was a girl with a life, with friends, with a family, that I can barely remember the names of. I can't imagine the kind of person I was, though by my flashbacks I see a happy girl broken over and over. I see a girl who fell in love one too many times. And the boy I fell in love with, I can barely recognize.

Today, my mum tells me, I am twenty years old. I have completed the first chunk of my life. And to think I may never even remember it...

To think I may never live to see the next...

I've grown to care for the guy who is my brother. He is witty and caring, with kind eyes like my mother, and strong hands like my father. He knows exactly what to say, somehow, and he is in love with a girl named Cora. Of course, he never said that... You can just see.

Calum is the boy I was in love with. He has sad eyes and arm tattoos, and when he leans in close whenever he thinks I'm asleep, I smell a lovely combination of cologne and cigarettes. His lips softly brush my ear when he whispers that he still loves me, and it takes every fiber of my being not to let a tear slip down my cheek and reveal my consciousness.

The life I once had is gone, I realize, and I have to get it back.

Happy birthday to me, and to you Luke. I hope I can remember you someday.


okay so that was really short but pretty emotional...

happy belated birthday, Luke. I had a rockin time the other night, and I hope
you did too.

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