chapter 3

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raine hugs always hunter

hunter:ok raine you can me befree now

raine:sorry hunter i and eda lily have so worried make we think what had you're uncle you make

eda:are you hurt yes hurt i you're uncle

hunter:i am fine
i am run ok

raine: Where are you now

hunter;a old house as derwin me tell had
his name darius dean

lilith eda raine:deanmonne

hunter:you knew you right

raine:yes but eberwolf want not talk

hunter:eberwolf the huntsman

lilith:mm yes the both was best friends the both his how a family

raine:yes and year later had eberwolf not more darius see
you can like eber spreak

hunter:ok thx you

raine,np :)

hunter:and hey plz tell my uncle not

eda:don't worry little 😌 we tell no

eda take a knief and want phillip kill


eda:what :D


hunter knock door

abby voice:listen eber think you ok

abby make the door open

abby:hello :) what can i help

hunter:hi is eberwolf here

abby:ofc :) come pure
hey dear you had visted what you name



eberwolf grwols:can i you help young man

hunter:yes and ähm i have a old photo see from darius deanmonne

eberwolf growls:why was you at him

hunter:i ähm i need a hidden
because my uncle hate me and hurt me so are i run but plz
what happend with you

eberwolf growls:he want no help so yep us friendship is the end

abby:eber plz darius want you proctes

eberwolf grwols:leave me and my wife home now


hunter go

darius:ähm hi

hunter:hi darius
listen ähm i have youre friends visted

darius:oh ok

hunter:darius you have to with raine and eda lilith talks and eber too

darius:i want eber not hear eberwolf is angry on me i have his eyes hurt
is my fault

hunter:no darius

darius:go now ok


hunter go
hunter visted his friends

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