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Sophia's POV

"Mommy!" Blaze giggled as I energetically ran the towel through his hair. I started to push him away.

"Go put on some clothes, munchkin."

He quickly ran out of my room to his. I had already picked up a cute outfit for him.

Now, it was time to focus on myself. I stood in front of the mirror with wet hair and only a towel wrapped around me.

We were going over to Hunter's to have dinner together. We hadn't talked to each other since the interview.

For the past few days, I've been wearing my hair down so decided to put them up in a ponytail.

I kept the makeup light and then walked to the closet.

I immediately spotted my outfit hung on a hanger.

It was a white, cropped tank top with a black skirt that had a slip to the side. It was a simple outfit but I loved it.

Immediately, I put it on before checking to see how my four-year-old was doing.

"Blaze!" I shouted.

He had both his button-up shirt and pants turned on the wrong side. To top this off, he was balling his eyes out.

I rolled my eyes before picking up his light body and putting him on the bed. I quickly took off his clothes to put them on the right way. The only thing he put on the right was his underwear.

When I was finished, I wiped away the tears from his eyes before showering his little face with kisses.

We quickly got in the car and drove over.

I rang the doorbell.

It took a few minutes before he opened the door and when he did, his eyes immediately landed on me.

He wore a simple, white T-shirt with black sweatpants.

His eyes lingered from my hair down to my shoes. When he was finished I could see him fighting to hold back a smile.

"Daddy!" Blaze shouted as he ran to him which made Hunter take his eyes off me.

"Hey B, I missed you!" He exclaimed as he hugged our son.

"Me too!"

"Really?" Hunter asked as he stood back up. "How about you guys come inside."

Hunter held the door open so that we could go in. Blaze ran in first then me before Hunter closed the door.

In here was still the same as the last time I came here. Everything was black.

"I haven't finished cooking yet," Hunter said.

"That's ok, daddy. Can I go and play with Buddy?" Blaze asked and then Hunter nodded.

Now, it was just Hunter and me.

I began to smell something. "Is something burning?"

Hunter looked confused before his eyes widened. "Shit!"

He quickly ran out and I couldn't help but laugh.

I made my way to the kitchen and watched as he tried to salvage whatever it was by adding water to the pot.

I walked up to him. "Let me see."

He turned to me and then gave me a weird look. It was more of a surprised look than an angry one.

He looked mesmerized.


He quickly looked away and started to curse under his breath. "It's fine. Just go sit down."

Love & Business: Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now