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Sophia's POV

1 year later

"Why are you so anxious?" I asked Moya as we looked through clothes in the store.

"I'm not," she replied as she picked up a dress and put it in front of me. "Why are you trying to take the focus on you?"

"Why would I want it to be on me?"

"Soph, today is your wedding anniversary for crying out loud!"

"It's not a big deal..." I mumbled.

"Of course, it is, Soph!"

I lied. It was a big deal but I couldn't reveal it. I don't think Hunter even remembered. He left for work early this morning and didn't say a word to me.

I was hurt but we've been through a lot so I can't blame him for not remembering. He wasn't a big romantic or anything either.

Moya's stomach made a loud rumble. Both our eyes widened. We just had lunch twenty minutes ago.

She laughed sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

I laughed at her before locking my arms with hers. "Let's get you something to eat."

When I started to move forward, she pulled back. Her head was pointed to the ground and she had a sad look.

She soon burst into tears. I immediately froze. In all our years of friendship, not once did I see Moya cry. Whatever the situation was, it must be serious.

I quickly wrapped my arms around her. "What's wrong?"

"I lied!" she admitted.

I was still confused. "Lied about what? Whatever it is, it's fine."

"No, it's not fine! I was anxious a while ago."

"It's okay! Whatever you're anxious about, we'll get through it."

She pulled out a brown, paper bag and gave it to me. "Not this one."

I pulled out the contents of the bag to see a positive pregnancy test. It took me a second to process it before looking up at her.

"You're pre-"

She raised her hand.

"Don't say it."

I smiled before jumping to hug her but she pushed me back.

"Don't celebrate. I can't keep it. I won't be a good mom."

My mouth dropped. "Are you kidding me? You'll be a great mom. You raised all your siblings and practically Blaze."

She smiled. "Do you think so?"

I nodded and she immediately hugged me.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket so she pulled back. She checked the notification before looking back up at me. "I have a case to prepare for so let's get you home."

I frowned. "Ten more minutes. I need to buy some clothes."

I lied. The real reason was that I didn't want to be alone.

"Please, Sophia."

I sighed. "Fine, I guess I can get them another time."

We drove back home while singing along to Moya's playlist for the whole ride.

As I walked up to open and go inside the house, she stopped me.

"Wait!" she shouted as she ran out of the call and ran to me.

I watched her in shock with raised eyebrows.

"I love you so much and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. It would mean the world if you would be my baby's godmother," she quickly ranted.

I watched her as she waited for my response. Her hands were fidgeting and she looked extremely nervous.

"It would be an honor, Moya."

She looked up at me and hugged me without a second thought.

After that, she pulled away.

"Enjoy your night," she said with a wink.

She watched her looking very confused.

"My night? What do you mean by that?"

Before she answered, she ran back into her car and sped off. Moya was a great friend but very unusual at times.

I shook my head before heading into a completely dark mansion.

"How many times do I have to tell them to leave on the light," I mumbled as my hands searched for the switch.

When I finally found it, I flipped the switch to see an extraordinary sight before me.

At the stairs, stood Hunter and Blaze in matching tuxedos. Blaze held a single rose in his hand while Hunter held a whole bouquet.

I looked down at my feet to see a pathway of red petals leading to them.

My eyes soon began to feel watery as I walked to them.

"Don't care, mommy," Blaze said as he handed me the rose.

I took it from him before turning to Hunter who had a semi-smile on his face.

"Happy anniversary, Soph," he said before pulling me in for a kiss.

I frowned as I looked down at the exquisite bouquet of roses Hunter had bought me. "You didn't have to do all of this."

"I did," he simply said as he wiped away my tears.

"Goodnight, mommy, and daddy," Blaze announced before kissing up and running upstairs.

Hunter smirked at me before holding out his hand to me. I gladly took it and followed him.

The whole way to the kitchen was decorated with a trail of velvet petals. The kitchen was calculatedly decorated with roses and red, heart-shaped balloons.

Hunter went all out for this one.

On the table laid a plate with a silver dish covering the food.

I watched as he eyed me nervously, waiting for me to open it. I slowly lifted the cover to see a hamburger under that big, fancy lid.

I stared at it for a good minute before erupting into laughter. I could physically see him let out a breath as if he was anxiously holding in one.

He smiled, "I thought you wouldn't get it."

I laughed until my stomach started hurting. "Of course, I would, it's my favorite food."

All of a sudden my face turned serious.

"Thank you," I said before giving him a warm embrace. I pulled back and ran into my bag to get his gift. "Don't start thinking that I didn't get you anything."

I pulled out a jewelry box before handing it to him.

"If you're going to propose to me, you at least do it the right way and go on your knees."

I rolled my eyes. "Just open it."

He laughed before opening the box to see two matching wedding rings. Mine was engraved with 'H' while he was engraved with 'S'.

He stared at them before looking at me.

"I love you, Soph."

I smiled before leaning in to kiss him on the lips.

"I love you too, Hunt."

I finally figured it out. Most people are better off as enemies, especially us. However, there was always something that kept bringing us back together. That something was love.

The End.

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