My Husband

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Sophia's POV

I immediately ran down the stairs, almost tripping to reach the doorbell which had just rung.

When I opened it, it was Moya.

"Jeez, at least act like you're happy to see me," she said walking in.

"It's not that. I'm just trying to get ready that's all."

She looked at me up and down. "You look nice. Did someone die?"

I rolled my eyes as I tried to put on my earrings.

"No, someone did not die, Moya. No offense but why are you here?"

She frowned before lifting two shopping bags. "Help me pick an outfit?"


"For my date with Nate."

I stopped what I was doing.

"Today's your date!?"

She nodded. I quickly grabbed her arms and then dragged her to my room.

"Let's see what we're working with," I said before pulling out the items in the bags.

The first was a simple black dress while the other was a black cropped top with matching jeans.

"Fan of black, aren't you?"

"He said to wear something black and casual," she said while playing with her fingers.

I watched her with a smile.

"Is the Moya nervous to go on a date?" I covered my mouth. "I'm shocked."

"Soph, it's been years. I think this was a mistake."

"Hey, Nathan can be a real jerk sometimes but when he likes you, he likes you."

She smiled before picking up the black dress. "I think I know what I want."

I nodded before allowing her to go into the bathroom to change.

Finally, I turned to the mirror to look at myself. My hair and make-up were done already and I had on my outfit.

I wore a long-sleeve white top with a brown skirt. I wanted to look my best and I was nervous for no reason.

If I was being honest, part of me was dressing for him.

Moya couldn't know about any of this. Not the kissing, not the feelings, and most definitely not the arguments.

"How do I look?" I heard Moya ask as she slowly walked out.

I ran to hug her. "You look wonderful."

She smiled as we released from our embrace. "You look like you have somewhere important to be so I'll wake up Blaze and get him ready."

"Moya, I can't ask you to do that."

"You're not asking, I'm telling! Now go!" She said as she pushed me out of my room.

I opened Blaze's door and saw that he was fast asleep. A smile came to my face as I heard his soft snores.

Quietly, I closed his door and then ran out of the house.


My heart raced as I exited the elevator. I think I may have treated him too roughly yesterday.


I turned to see Jack looking busy as ever. He was searching through a pile of papers that were on his desk.

"Are you on schedule to see him?"

"Since when do I need a schedule to see my husband?"

"Oh, now you want to refer to him as your husband?" He asked with a smile and I glared at him. "You've got five minutes. He's busy today."

"Thanks, Jack!" I exclaimed before running in.

After I closed the door behind me, I froze. Hunter was sitting behind his desk with his head lowered.

I quickly ran to him and put my hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever.

"Hunter, are you okay?"

He quickly shrugged me off before standing with him.

"I'm fine. What do you want?"

He looked different from yesterday. He seemed colder than usual. His eyes gave it away as he stared at me blankly. He made sure not to reveal a single emotion.

"I-um came to see if you've started on a solution for the problem. Yesterday was a mix-"

I felt something touch my chest and when I looked down, he was holding out a folder.

"Did you-"

"Yes, I did now take it and leave."

I quickly opened the folder to see what he could've possibly done to replace all that money overnight.

When I checked, I saw that he used his money to reinvest into the business.

"No," I said as I pushed it back to him but he didn't take it. "Hunter, there are other ways."

"Yeah, that's true but this is the quickest way to get rid of you."

"That's not fair," I said fighting the urge to not get upset.

The door opened. It was Jack pointing at his wristwatch.

"You should go Mrs. Lodge."

He knew I hated when he talked to me formally.

I looked up to him. He couldn't even look me straight in the eye. If he was going to say hurtful things, he should've looked me in the eye!

I pushed past him, making sure he felt my force on his chest in the process.

Jack stopped me on my way out.

"Hey, don't take him too seriously. He's been grumpy since yesterday."

I smiled, "Thanks, Jack."

If only he knew I cause the cause behind Hunter's mood.


"And he ended our date with a kiss," Moya told me as she fell back on my bed.

I was laying down on my back watching as she told me the story about her date. This was the first time I'd seen her eyes sparkle so much.

Apparently, they spent the whole day together going to all sorts of places. Nate said that since he's always busy with work he never gets to go anywhere and he's certain that Moya will have the same problem once she picks up more cases.

"Doesn't it sound like a movie to you?" She giggled.

Like actually giggled.

"Did Moya just giggle?" I teased.

"Stop, Sophia!" She said as she hit me while laughing.

Although I'm so happy for her, I couldn't resist feeling jealous. She was joining the train to a beautiful romance while I was being kicked off that train.

"What about you?" She asked.

"Excuse me?"

"The thing you dressed fancy for. Did it work out?"

I faked a smile. "Of course it did. I'm Sophia Lodge, it'll be crazy if it didn't."


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