President Teddy

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Sophia's POV

2 weeks later...

"Blaze, get back here!" I shouted as I ran behind him.

"No, I want President Teddy!" He cried.

I quickly grabbed him once I caught up to him. His cries grew louder.

"Your dad isn't answering so you will have to sleep without President Teddy tonight."


I've been calling Hunter for the whole day and he didn't answer. I even called Jack and he said that Hunter didn't show up for work today.

I sighed before trying to call Hunter one more time. It rang four times before being forwarded to voicemail.

"Please mommy!" He begged.

He's been sleeping with the teddy ever since I came home from Venice.

I looked down at him sniffing. "Is your nanny still here?"

He quickly nodded.

I told him to go and get her while I got my keys.

"I'll be back in ten minutes. Try to get him to sleep if I'm not back by then."

She nodded before I left.


I kept knocking on Hunter's door before he finally opened it.

"I know we haven't talked since Venice and I know you don't want to talk to me but we have a kid together. Don't make him suffer because we're not on good terms."

He stared at me blankly.

"Will you say something?" I yelled in frustration.

"Today's the day Margret died."

I immediately closed my mouth and dropped my shoulders. "Oh."

"Yeah," he said while opening the door for me.

"I can't stay. Blaze is waiting."

"Sophia," he started off sounding a bit mad. "I've been drinking the whole day by myself. I need a drinking body."

"Just one," I said hesitantly.

He smiled before pouring me a drink.

We do this every year. He always gets a little sad on the day of his mom's death. Who wouldn't?

"I'm sorry about earlier," I apologized feeling a bit guilty for trying to curse him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "What are you here for?"

"President Teddy."

He chuckled.

We drank a few bottles before I started to get drunk. We talked about all types of random stuff before the conversation started to get deep.

"When did you start dreaming about me?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Get over yourself," I laughed.

"Blaze told me everything."

I immediately stopped laughing. My own sweat and blood sold me out.

"I can't believe you're drunk already," he laughed.

I started laughing too.

"Hey, Hunter?"


"Can I...can I...ask you something?" I spoke in a slurred speech.

"Go for it."

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