A Mess Without Him

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Sophia's POV

I stood in front of the bed, packing my suitcase.

How could I stay here with him another night? It just doesn't work.

He walked and leaned on the doorframe with his hands in his pockets as he watched me pack. He stayed like this for a good five minutes before he decided to say anything.

"Where are you going?"

I picked up my shirt and folded it before placing it into the suitcase.

"I'm leaving as soon as we sign the contract."

He slowly nodded his head.

"Do you have anything else to say to me? Aren't you going to try and stop me like what the main lead in movies do?" I joked.

"No, I'll meet you at Santoro Empire," he said in a cold tone before leaving.

I wiped a tear that threaten to escape my eye before continuing to pack.


"Sign right here and here," Mr. Santoro directed as he pointed to the lines which I am to sign.

"Thank you," I gratefully said before quickly putting my signature on each line. I wanted to leave.

Santoro clapped as he did the insane laugh that he always does. "Looks like we have an agreement."

The three of us stood up before shaking each other's hands.

"Will you two be looking around Venice for the remaining days? I am a great businessman but I am also a great tour guide!"

I shook my head. "I'm sorry but I will be leaving shortly after this meeting."

He frowned before turning to Hunter. "I assume you will be going with your wife too?"

He shook his head. "No sir, I have other affairs to attend to before I leave."

"Oh, I see. I did get warned that you two are very busy people."

I stretched out my hand for a handshake once more. "I will definitely come back to Venice to have you give me a proper tour, sir."

He took my hand and shook it. "Will be looking forward to it Mrs. Lodge."

I nodded before turning to Hunter. I'm not sure if this was in the act for Mr. Santoro but Hunter was watching me all this time and didn't care if it was obvious or not.

I started walking past him but he grabbed my hand.

I looked down to where he was holding my hand before looking back up to his face. He looked like he wanted to tell me something but nothing came out.

I scoffed before pulling away my hand and walking out.

After that, the chauffeur took me to the airport before I went home on our private plane.


"Mommy!" Blaze shouted as he ran to the door to meet me.

"Baby!" I shouted back as I squeezed him to death.

"You came back early!"

I pulled away. "I told you I would, didn't I?"

He nodded. "But where's daddy?"

"Uh," I scratched my head. "someone had to stay back and finish up our business."

He frowned.

"But...I have a surprise for you!"

His face started to light up again.

I pulled out the brown teddy that was hidden behind my back and gave it to him.

He started to scream and jump with joy.

"Mommy, is this the Russian president?"


I then remembered Hunter specifically asking for a Russian president teddy bear.

I nodded my head. "Yes! It's um...President Bear!"

His eyes glowed even more. "Really?"

He quickly ran and hugged me. "Thank you so much, mommy. I love it!"

"You're welcome you little munchkin," I said as I looked at my smartwatch. "Now go to bed!"

He frowned but listened.

I looked up at Moya who was watching.

"Oh baby," she simply said before hugging me. "Let's go straight to the living room."

I nodded as she pulled me to our usual therapy spot .

"How are things with you and Nate?" I asked her while giving her a devious look.

She started to smile. "He, um, asked me to be his girlfriend."

"What!? Moya that's great!"

She looked up at me. "Do you think so? Do you feel comfortable with me dating him?"

"Hell yeah, I do! Go for it, Moya!"

"Thank you, Soph."

It didn't matter to me anyway.

My opinion on them shouldn't matter anyways. Yes, he made my life a living hell back in high school but that's all in the past. My opinion shouldn't affect who he gets to date.

"Why on earth did you come back so early?" She asked as she surfed through the movies on the television.

My smile quickly turned to anger.

"I can't stand him!"

She rolled her eyes. "Oh gosh, not this again."

"Moya, I really can't. Everything he does affects me and I hate it! I hate him!"

"Calm down, girlie," she said as she finally picked one.

I shook my head and took the remote from me before looking for a movie myself.

"And the worse part of it is that he didn't even try to stop me. He just let me go. He didn't even ask why."

She turned to look at me.

"I'm-I'm a mess without him, Moya."

That last sentence was enough to destroy me. I had been denying it all along but I can't fight it anymore. I'm a mess without Hunter.

The worse thing about this situation is that I don't know what I did to deserve him treating me like this.

He hates me and I don't know why.

He's always so unpredictable. When you think you have him figured out, he finds a new way to act. I can't understand him.

Moya wasted no time hugging me.

"Soph, it's okay, you'll get over him."

I kept quiet. Moya has been telling me this since day one and I'm still not over him yet.

Moya pulled back. "Hey, let's do some karaoke!"

Her random sentence caught me off guard and I laughed. "What?"

"Let's sing a lot of breaks up songs loudly and terribly!" She exclaimed while dragging me off the chair.

"Moya, it's midnight. Blaze is asleep."

She looked back at me. "That kid can sleep through a whole war. A little singing ain't gonna wake him."

I sighed before giving in.


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