Cream Clouds

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Sophia's POV

I sighed as I listened to Moya rant after I accidentally told her that Hunter and I no longer want to kill each other each time we see one another.

"Soph, it's not like I don't want you to be happy; I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Moya, it's not like we re-confessed our love for each other. Hunter made it clear that he hates me and I hate him too. I don't think that's ever going to change."

She rolled her eyes. "Do you actually hate him, Sophia? Hate is a strong word."

"How could I not Moya? He hurt me."

She groaned before sitting down on a chair in my office. She looked really pissed. "Do you have anything else to tell me about you guys?"

I turn back to my desktop to reply to an employee's email. "No, why?"

"So you guys didn't make out on an interview with JB Studios?"

I turned back to her. "What are you talking about?"

She quickly showed me her phone and my eyes widened. It was when that cheeky interviewer dared Hunter to kiss me.

I smiled sheepishly, "oh, that?"

"Yes, that! What were you thinking?"

"People were starting to suspect we ended things so we had to do something."

"Sophia, do you know why he even broke up with you?"

"No, but-"

"Exactly. Who just breaks up with their wife just because? He's indecisive and I don't like him."

I frowned because she was right. Each time I ask him why he never replied.

I smiled. "Enough about me. What's going on with you and Nate?"

She calmed down a bit as a smile came on her face. "Well..."

She told me that they had been texting back and forth and they're supposed to be going on a second date when he isn't so busy.

There was a soft knock on the door before my new assistant, Jude, walked in. So far, she was very sweet and seemed to have everything under control. Jannette did a great job finding her.

"Good day ma'am, I just wanted you to know that Mr. Lodge is in the building. He's making his rounds."

"Thanks, Jude," I said before she nodded and left.

Moya stood up with a smile. "If you'll excuse me, I have a case to get to it."

She looked so happy. "Do you like your job?"

"Of course I do, it's my passion!"

She hugged me before she left.

A few minutes passed by before Hunter walked in through the door.

I stood up to walk to him. "What brings you here Mr. Lodge? I rather not have you in my building."

He put his hands in his pockets before leaning back on the wall. "Oh trust me, the last thing I want to be was here."

I smiled a little. I liked this.

"I needed to check up on a few departments since they are managed by an incapable CEO."

"Incapable? Really? I didn't know you managed here too. How cool!"

He rolled his eyes before we laughed it off and had a seat.

Silence passed between us as he looked through a file that was on my desk.

"Are you okay?" He casually asked while still reading through the file.


He finally looked up at me with a smirk on his face. "That's good, Sophia."

For some reason he kept his eyes locked on me.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked as I tried to wipe it off.

"What?" he asked before realizing that he was staring at me. He quickly looked away. "No, I was just thinking that's all."

I nodded because I didn't want to pry.

"Thanks for yesterday," I said as I got up to pour us coffees.

"There's no need to thank me," he replied as he got up and walked to me.

He poured our coffees into two mugs and then dribbled some cream into them.

He started to make a cloud with a smiley face using the cream. I watched as he concentrated on his design.

A few strands of his hair had fallen into his face and his eyebrows drew together.

He finally finished his masterpiece and then handed it to me. He was no artist but it was still cute.

"Well thank you, kind sir," I said as I took the mug from him.

He smiled at me before we went to sit back down.

We were in a comfortable silence as we drank our coffees together; occasionally glancing at one another.

I liked how we could just sit with one another and not always feel the need to say something.

I glanced over at him once more. His eyes were closed and he was leaning back.

Today, it looked like he wanted a different approach to his outfit. He has a white dress shirt with matching navy blue pants, waistcoat, and tie.

Before I knew it, a smile was already on my face. He was just so naturally handsome.

He never tried to force himself to look good, he just was.

I missed the nights we would just cuddle when we didn't have anything else to do.

I missed the nights he would finish my work when I fell asleep.

I missed the nights we would get drunk and laugh until we fell asleep.

I missed him calling me Soph.

I missed him.

I missed us.

Suddenly, I felt an intense repulsion toward him. Why would he want to end all of that without any reason?

Why does he love to play games?

Even though he keeps pushing me away and hurt me over and over, I keep landing on this one emotion.


It scares me because I don't know how to get over it and if I don't get over it soon, I'm going to feel way more than heartache.

I decided to get up and let him sleep. Jake told me that he's always at the office and never goes home to sleep.

Why does torture himself like this? I shouldn't care but I do.

A knock was heard on the door before Jude walked in. She walked in and lightly tapped Hunter on the shoulder.

"Mr. Lodge? Your assistant said to tell you and I quote get your ass over here now."

Hunter sighed before getting up, "thanks."

He walked over to me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded without looking at him. "Of course."

He slowly nodded back. "Okay, I'm leaving. See you tomorrow then?"

"I guess."


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