Chapter 15

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A/N: i definitely didn't forget that this book had a last chapter

Warnings: smut?? kind of not really it's very bad im sorry i wrote it a very long time, swearing, fingering, i have no clue why this chapter is like this


 By the time Finn's stopped crying, he's soaked my shirt with his tears. I stroke a hand through his bronze hair, pressing my forehead to his.

'I'm sorry too,' I whisper. He cuddles back into me, and I feel his warm breath against my skin.

'It was absolutely evil of you to do that,' he mumbles into my neck.

'Why?' I ask.

'You got me right when I needed you most.'


Gently, I extract myself from a sleeping Finn's arms and seek a shower, kissing his hair as I leave. Walking back from a refreshing wash, I enter his room.

'Ryn?' He groans, when I flick on the light after deciding he needs to get up.

'Mhm?' I ask, slipping on the shirt that he discarded yesterday for his pyjamas. It reaches just up to the bottom of my ass, and I deem it decent enough for now. Not like he hasn't seen me naked before, anyway. He sits up, his bleary eyes fixed on me, and when he blinks, they clear. It doesn't take a microscope to see the bulge in his boxers. In one fluid motion, he's up on his feet, his front pressed against my back, my chest against the wall as he sucks lightly on my neck.

'I miss you wearing my clothes,' he mutters, nipping at my earlobe. Reaching back to thread my fingers into the hair at his nape - making him groan against my skin - I chuckle.

'I thought you'd miss me wearing no clothes.'

'I've missed that more,' he concedes playfully.

Finn doesn't hesitate, grabbing my bare ass and hitching the shirt up a little higher.

'You're beautiful, you know,' he mumbles into my neck. 'And I don't mean just this,' he continues, squeezing slightly. A sigh leaves my lips, and I swipe his hands away so I can turn around and kiss him. Almost effortly, not breaking the connection of our lips, he lifts me by the thighs and sets me gently down on the bed, breaking away to pull my, no, his shirt over my head. He runs his teeth down my collar bone, causing me to stifle a moan as my spine arches up of its own accord.

'I want to hear you, babe,' Finn growls against my skin as he rips off the remainder of my clothes and slips two fingers inside me. Stubbornly, I bite down on my lip hard as his other hand comes up and cups my breast, bringing it to his lips. A gasp leaves me as his fingers curl, hitting that spot, and my eyes drift closed, overwhelmed by his touch.

'Please, Finn,' I gasp, even as I try to choke down my pleading.

He chuckles softly. 'I could never deny you.'


I curl up with my head on Finn's bare chest as he skims a hand through my hair.

'As good as the first time?' He teases.

'Oh, better,' I smirk, turning my head and kissing his sternum. Before I can stop them, before I can overthink them, the words in my mind spill out of my mouth. 'I love you, Finn.'

His breath hitches, his arms tightening around me. 'I love you too, Aderyn.'

And he's telling the perfect truth.

thank god this book is over

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