Chapter 2

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It was time for everyone to head back to the lookout, everyone had their put back into the PAW patroler and they finally were on their way home. Everyone was worried about Rocky and if he would get seen. Ryder, was confident that it won't ever happen. Atleast, somewhat.

Werepuppy Rocky: I don't know if I can go through with this

Zuma: don't worry dude, we got your back

Marshall: we are going to try keeping this a secret. But, it won't be easy

Ryder: which is why we are stopping at Katie's first

Werepuppy Rocky: wait? RYDER!!!!?? NO!!!

Ryder: don't worry Rocky, everything is going to be ok. I'll handle this

Werepuppy Rocky: *gulps* o..ok, if you say so

They stopped at Katie's and Ryder got off. After a few minutes, Ryder and Katie came on board. She saw Rocky and wasn't scared.

Katie: Hey Rocky

Werepuppy Rocky: please don't tell anyone to take me away and hurt me

Katie: Heaven's no, Ryder told me all about what happened and I promise, I'm not going to tell a single soul

Werepuppy Rocky: thanks Katie

Katie: your welcome. Besides, I've heard that the Werepuppy isn't a bad, evil wolf. It's a friendly Werepuppy

Werepuppy Rocky: but, why does everyone in Adventure Bay hate the Werepuppy?

Katie: because of rumors and alots of them being spread around everywhere, to the point where Mayor Goodway, hired Officer Gary and Rev, and the rest of their crew to take care of the Werepuppy. And when I mean "take care" I mean, hurt

Werepuppy Rocky: *gulps*, w..what kind of hurt?

Katie: nobody knows, only the animal control knows

Werepuppy Rocky: i..i..I can't Ryder i..I just can't..................

Ryder: Rocky? Listen to me? We are going to make sure you are safe from Adventure Bay, and when it's all over, everything will be ok

Werepuppy Rocky: *sighs* j..just don't tell anyone

Katie: I promise, Rocky

Werepuppy Rocky: thanks

Katie: no problem

They said there goodbyes and left. Everyone made it back to the lookout and got off. Rocky stepped out slowly, making sure no one from the town saw him. He ran quickly inside and was finally able to calm down. He was catching his breath and went over to his water dish. He took a drink and managed to pull himself together.

Werepuppy Rocky: I got this, it's just for two months. Yeah, I can do this

Captain Turbot: Hello!? Ryder!?

Werepuppy Rocky: I can't do this, I can't do this!

Rocky quickly ran over to a hiding spot as Ryder came out to talk with Captain Turbot.

Captain Turbot: Ryder, I'm just making sure you guys are alright last night

Ryder: yeah, we're doing good. What's going on?

Captain Turbot: well, this is usually the time of the year when, The Werepuppy comes out. Every once a year in the fall time

Rocky was listening to their conversation and was getting worried.

Captain Turbot: if you see the Werepuppy, report it immediately. Gary and Rev will take care of the beast

Ryder: yeah, no problem Captain

Rocky The Werepuppy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now