Chapter 7

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Wolf 1: finally, we got you cornered

One of the wolves pounced as Rocky braced for the worst. He cried out for help, hoping someone would help him. Luckily, Ethan jumped on one of the wolves and pinned down on the ground. He growled at them to get back.

Ethan: leave him alone you jerks *growled*

Wolf 1: fine! But I will get him

Ethan: not when I'm around

Wolf 1: why do you have to do this to us, that little Wolf is just a dumb predator. Besides, we wolves are all predators and we are monsters

Werepuppy Rocky: m..monsters?

Wolf 1: yes! Monsters! Why do you think you're all alone out here?

Werepuppy Rocky: b..because, my friends abandoned me here

Wolf 1: EXACTLY!!!!!! They abandoned you here because they don't love you anymore, they think you're just a predator now

Werepuppy Rocky: t..that's not true, their just trying to protect me from animal control

Wolf 1: and you know why animal control wants to get rid of you?

Werepuppy Rocky: because I'm a Werepuppy now

Wolf 1: which makes you the most dangerous predator of all. They are afraid of you and fear you might eat them. Just face it, you are no longer loved

Werepuppy Rocky: *lowers head and ears*'re right, i..I'm just a..a dangerous predator *tears up* a..a monster

Wolf 2: awww is the little Wolf gonna cry?

Wolf 1: *laughed* who knew you would be pathetic too

Wolf 3: alright, let's get something else to eat boss

Wolf 1: just make sure little Wolf, watch your back

Werepuppy Rocky: *gulps* y..yes

Rocky stayed behind Ethan as the Wolf pack left. Rocky was at the point, he had enough. He ran of to a different direction and Ethan ran after him. Rocky managed to lose Ethan as he was at a lake. He started thinking about what the Wolf pack said, and he let their words get to him. It was totally understandable why it did.

Werepuppy Rocky: m..maybe they are afraid of me. I'm really am just a monster. A little monster predator *tears up* w..who i..isn't loved, a..a..anymore. IM JUST A FREAK!!!!!!! *sobs*

Ethan searched in a log, seeing if Rocky was hiding in there. He then suddenly heard Rocky crying from where the lake was. He ran all the way to where he was and found him laying down with his paws wiping some tears away from his face. Ethan came up to the crying little Werepuppy Wolf and tried helping him.

Ethan: you ok kid?

Werepuppy Rocky: *sniffs and wipes away tears*, not o..ok. I'm a monster, a freak, a..a predator *tears flowing* their right, they got rid of me because they are afraid of i..I don't deserve friends or

Ethan: you do, you deserve all the love in the world. Just because we are wolves, doesn't mean we are all evil. Your a nice and friendly little Wolf, Rocky. Don't ever forget that there are a ton of people who do love you and care about you

Werepuppy Rocky: *sniffs* a...are you s..sure?

Ethan: of course I do, and I know that you are awesome little one

Werepuppy Rocky: c..can you do something for me? *sniffs*

Ethan: what's that?

Werepuppy Rocky: you see that big tower?

Rocky The Werepuppy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now