Chapter 3

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It seemed like Rocky was going to be busted. Thankfully, officer Rev came in to tell him that they found out that there was a theif stealing money from a bank.

Officer Gary: those theifs. I'll see ya later guys

They left with no time to waste. Joshie, Rocky, and Katie sighs of relief.

Katie: see? I told you Rocky, your not safe here

Werepuppy Rocky: *sighs* ok, I guess your right. Come on Joshie, let's just go back to the lookout

Joshie: no! Katie? Please let us stay here?

Katie: I'm sorry guys but, you can't

Joshie: b......but?

Werepuppy Rocky: it's fine Joshie, it's ok. Let's just go before, you know

Joshie: o..ok

Katie: look, I can stay with you guys in the lookout

Werepuppy Rocky: you will?

Katie: Hey, I don't want to see you get hurt by them. I will help you guys out

Werepuppy Rocky: thanks Katie. We really do need the help

Katie: no trouble at all

Werepuppy Rocky: yes! Come on guys, let's get back to the lookout

He ran outside, forgetting to put the blanket around him. A few police officers saw him and pointed him out.

Officer Harvey: *gasps* ITS THE WEREPUPPY!!!!!!

Officer Gary: excellent *chuckled* here little Wolf

Werepuppy Rocky: o..oh no. Wait it's me Rocky

Officer Rev: what? Rocky? No, Rocky is a mixed breed pup

Officer Gary: DOESN'T MATTER!!!!! GET HIM!!!!!!

Werepuppy Rocky: *gasps*

Joshie: HEY!!!!!!! OVER HERE!!!!!!

Officer Gary: huh?

Joshie: someone is trying to steal something

Officer Gary: RRRRRRR I will deal with you later. For now, run back into the woods. Where you belong

They finally left, chasing after absolutely nothing. Rocky lowered his head and walked back to the lookout. Joshie and Katie followed behind and soon, managed to make it back. Rocky now became upset. So he decided to get Joshie, just to talk with him.

Katie: ok, I think we should get some rest. I'll be awake to watch out for the Officers

Joshie: when will Ryder get back?

Ryder: hey guys

Werepuppy Rocky: Ryder!

He went up to his owner to hug.

Ryder: are you ok guys?

Joshie: we were unfortunately caught, but we managed to get away

Skye: oh thank goodness

Katie: is it ok Ryder if I help you guys out?

Ryder: sure thing Katie

Zuma: *yawns* I think it's time for bed. See you tomorrow guys

Skye: night Zuma. I'm going to head to bed too

Everyone agreed.

Werepuppy Rocky: Joshie? Can I talk with you?

Joshie: sure

They went over to look at the night sky as Rocky told him about the situation.

Werepuppy Rocky: I j..just.......................i..I wish I wasn't the Werepuppy

Joshie: I understand what you mean about that. But, I think you are a great pup to be the Werepuppy

Werepuppy Rocky: really? Why?

Joshie: well, like I was told by my father, the Werepuppy isn't a evil Werepuppy, it's a friendly Werepuppy. And I knew that in my heart, he was. But I never thought that it was you. And your a friendly pup. So it all works out. You are awesome as a Werepuppy

Werepuppy Rocky: *smiled* Thank you pal. That really means a lot

Joshie: of course, anything to make my friends happy

Werepuppy Rocky: I just hope that we can make it through this

Joshie: me too. I..I'm kinda worried that you'll get seen again on accident and t...then.................i...I just................I *tears up*

Werepuppy Rocky: oh no. Joshie, don't cry pal. I promise that I'm never going anywhere. I will always be here for you guys. Because, you are one of my best friends bud and even if I'm a Werepuppy, you guys still love me and I still love you guys too

Joshie slightly smiled. But Rocky wanted to see him fully happy. He knew though, it would be impossible. This was the biggest situation for them because of Rocky being wanted by the Officers of animal control. Rocky then thought of something.

Werepuppy Rocky: wait right here bud

He ran into the lookout and went over to a box. It was a gift box that he wanted to give to his friends. He decided to show it to Joshie first.

Werepuppy Rocky: go ahead, you can open it

Joshie opened the box up to reveal a picture of all of the pups, with Joshie in the picture.

Werepuppy Rocky: do you remember this?

Joshie: this is when I finally became a member of the PAW Patrol. Thank you Rocky

Werepuppy Rocky: awwwww your welcome Joshie. Well, let's head to bed. I just want you to know that, I'm not going anywhere Joshie. We're pals and we stick together no matter what

Joshie hugged him tightly. Rocky felt like tears building up in his eyes. Once Joshie went over to their pup house. Rocky wiped a few tears. He wasn't sure how things would turn out, but he just wanted one thing, being able to be safe. Atleast, he hoped he would be.


Officer Rev: sir? What if the Werepuppy is Rocky?

Officer Gary: it's too late for him then. He's now a beast that must be caught, before he eats someone. I'm coming for ya Rocky. If it's the last thing I do hehehehehe HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Officer Rev: you sound like a evil villain

Officer Gary: SUSH!!!!!!

To Be Continued.

Rocky The Werepuppy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now