Chapter 6

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The weekend came and the PAW patrol had something special planned for Joshie. Ryder and The Pups talked about it and decided to all go to a arcade. After Joshie had his breakfast, Ryder came in to tell him about the special day they had planned for him. However, as to be expected, Joshie tried to feel excited. But, he couldn't. He knew that it was ridiculous to move forward. But, the pain in his heart was just too much for him. He not only lost Rocky, but he knew that Rocky was now going to be hated for being a Werepuppy. He's one of those people that cares about friends like Rocky since the pups and Ryder care about Joshie. So seeing someone who he cares about that has done nothing wrong was truly heartbreaking to him.

Ryder: look, We really understand that you miss Rocky and I and the pups do aswell. But, we have to move on. He'll be ok in the woods, I promise buddy

Joshie: *sighs* i..i..I really want to Ryder but i...I just.............*tears up* I can't do Rocky doesn't deserve this. He's one of the sweetest and caring pups and seeing him get hated by Adventure Bay and being all alone out in the woods, hurts know that. He isn't going to loved anymore

Ryder: Joshie, he is loved. We all love Rocky

Joshie: then why?...............

Ryder: because, if he gets caught by animal control, they will hurt him and get rid of him, forever. That's why it's better for him to be in the woods so he can be safe

Joshie: but, won't he be back to normal in December?

Ryder: well, unfortunately, animal control wants him gone, forever

Joshie: so we don't get see Rocky ever again? *tears up*

Ryder: Joshie....................

Joshie: no! I can't allow this! I..I just can't *sniffs*

He ran off outside in tears. The Pups noticed he was running away down town.

Chase: JOSHIE!?!?!?!

Skye: COME BACK!?!?!?!?!

Chase: I'm gonna go after him, you guys stay here

The Pups: got it!

Chase then ran after Joshie, hoping to get him back. Ryder came outside to talk with the pups. The Pups were now starting to feel really worried for Joshie. But Ryder finally told them what Joshie was going through. And it wasn't good.

Skye: Ryder, I'm really worried about Joshie, ever since we had to leave Rocky in the woods, he's been getting more upset

Ryder: unfortunately, pups, Joshie is depressed right now

The Pups: *gasps*

They all whimpered as they felt upset.

Rubble: a..are you sure?

Ryder nodded his head. The Pups knew abandoning Rocky was a big mistake. But, the deed was done. Ryder decided to call Dr. Diane to come over and talk to Joshie and to see if she can help.

Meanwhile. Joshie was at the Pup park. He was underneath a bench, crying as he layed down on his side holding his shoulders. Chase kept on searching for him. He reached to the pup park and when He shouted out Joshie's name, Joshie immediately came out of hiding and gave Chase a hug. He let go and held his shoulders again.

Joshie: i..i..I'm sorry for r...running away *tears flowing*

Chase: I understand what you're going through buddy. You are not alone on this. When Marshall was Pupnaped one time, I would not sleep and be happy again until he was saved and brought back. I'm really sorry that we had to abandoned Rocky and I realized that it was a dumb thing for us to do. Unfortunately, there was nothing we could do. But, Joshie?

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