Chapter 9

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Everyone ate their breakfast as Rocky was completely finished. Everyone was impressed by how he ate his stuff so fast.

Werepuppy Rocky: who knew I would be able to eat this fast

Rubble: you're more of a faster eater than me *giggled*

Werepuppy Rocky: it's because of my hunger. I'm a Werepuppy now so my stomach wants more

Ryder: well you can wait for lunch Rocky

Werepuppy Rocky: ok, oh umm Joshie? Come with me

Joshie: umm ok

They went outside to go over to Rocky's pup house for something. It was a necklace that had a stone on it. He put it on as Rocky returned being a Mixed Breed Pup. Joshie was amazed.

Joshie: woah

Rocky: yep, I can use this to turn into a Werepuppy again

Joshie: but it made you turn into back into a Mixed Breed

Rocky: yeah well the problem is we are going to have to switch it so whenever I want to be a Werepuppy again, I can put on this necklace

Joshie: nice! But how are you going to do that?

Rocky: hmmmmm

He took off the necklace again as he transformed back into a Werepuppy. But just before he say his plan, an angry mob came up to the lookout, shouting and holding up torches and pitch forks.

Werepuppy Rocky: w..what's happening?

Mayor Goodway: Rocky! You are supposed to be gone!

Mr. Porter: no Werepuppys in Adventure Bay!

Everyone started chanting destroy the Werepuppy. Ryder and The Pups came out to stop everyone from hurting them.

Ryder: listen Everyone!? Rocky isn't a evil Werepuppy. He's a friendly Werepuppy

Mr. Porter: yeah right! Everyone knows the Werepuppy is a monster

Mayor Goodway: a freak!

Captain Turbot: a nuisance to Adventure Bay

Rocky ran into the lookout and went over to the kitchen, he curld up in a ball and started crying. Joshie went over to him to help him.

Werepuppy Rocky: th....they are r...right, i..I just a monster *sobs*

Joshie: you aren't to me Rocky, you are so cool looking. They just fail to see the amazing and sweet Werepuppy that you are. You are still you, Rocky the Werepuppy or Rocky the mixed breed pup. But another thing that you are, is my best friend

Werepuppy Rocky: *sniffs and started smiling* thank you buddy. I really needed that

Joshie smiled. All of a sudden, Mayor Goodway came up to the kitchen and knelt down to Rocky's level.

Mayor Goodway: so you are a friendly Werepuppy?

Werepuppy Rocky: yes, yes I am. But it's also me, Rocky and it always has been. I'm not a monster or a freak. I'm still me. Who has the best of friends and a great owner. I don't care if I'm a Werepuppy, I actually think being the Werepuppy is actually really cool and I'm sticking with it

Everyone cheered for him, but officer Gary budged in and grabbed Rocky. He started heading over to his car to put Rocky in .

Officer Gary: yeah right! Werepuppy is nice my a.........

Officer :GARY!!!!! LANGUAGE!!!!

Werepuppy Rocky: PLEASE HELP!!!!! RYDER!!!!!!

Ryder: put Rocky down

Officer Gary: no! I gave you guys instructions and what do you do?! NOT FOLLOW THEM!!!!!!! So now, Rocky is going to do die

Werepuppy Rocky: *gasps* NOOOOO!!!!!!! RYDER PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

Ryder: Please just let him go!?

Officer Gary: and what are you gonna do about it? Rocky is just a dumb predator monster Werepuppy now that is all he is, besides, I think you can live without him. Live without a pathetic pup like him

Werepuppy Rocky: *whimpering* i..I'm not pathetic *tears flowing* i..i..I'm not

Officer Gary: too bad! Now let's go!

Joshie: NO!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!

Joshie then pushed him down and let Rocky out of his grip. He flew into the air and was caught by Ryder.

Werepuppy Rocky: thanks Ryder

Ryder: of course

Officer Gary: you dumb little boy *tazzes him*

Everyone gasped at what Gary just did. Joshie feel unconscious as Rocky ran up to him.

Werepuppy Rocky: JOSHIE!!!!! Joshie? please don't g..go

Cheif: Officer Gary!

Officer Gary: oh no. Sir look I can explain

Cheif: nope I don't want to hear it, you are fired

Officer Gary: nooooooooo!

Everyone looked at the scene as some of the citizens were in tears. Joshie looked like he had kicked the bucket. Rocky tried waking up, but he couldn't. Only then he hugged his unconscious friend and started crying.

Werepuppy Rocky: Joshie, please don't die. *sniffs* can't l....leave, your my best friend j..Joshie a...and I ca.....ant lose buddy

But nothing turned up for the young boy.

Werepuppy Rocky: no *sobs*

Chase started to tear up, Skye started crying, Zuma helped Skye by patting her back, Marshall was in tears, Rubble whimpered, and Ryder went over to Rocky who had a ton of tears.

Werepuppy Rocky: r..Ryder i........*sobs*

Ryder: I'm really sorry Rocky, but Joshie is............

Mayor Goodway: *gasps* look!?

Everyone looked at Joshie who started moving and trying to get up. Rocky immediately raced over to help him. Joshie was shaking from the shocks of the tazer.

Werepuppy Rocky: Joshie? Your ok! You survived those tazzes

Joshie: i..i...I n..need lie d....down now

Werepuppy Rocky: of course, I'll make sure to help you out with that. I'm glad you're ok buddy

Chase: we are so glad to have you guys safe

Joshie: I'm j..just glad Rocky i..isn't going a...anywhere

Werepuppy Rocky: yep, I'm staying in Adventure Bay rather as a Werepuppy or a mixed breed

Everyone cheered as everything now seemed like it was going to be back to normal. Rocky and Joshie were then scened to be watching stuff on Joshie's tablet. They were glad that everything was going to be just fine. Rocky was ok with his Werepuppy form and his mixed breed self.

To be continued. Last chapter tomorrow. WAIT ALREADY!?!?!?!

Rocky The Werepuppy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now