Chapter 5

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Skye and Joshie arrived at the Pup park, they sat on the bench just to talk. Joshie looked down at his hands, letting tears escape his eyes. Skye started patting his back to help him.

Skye: I know you really miss Rocky hun. I really miss him too

Joshie: w..what about h..his role? the PAW Patrol *sniffs*

Skye: *sighs* Ryder, unfortunately, is going to find a replacement

Joshie: *tears up and sniffling*

Skye: ohh Joshie, I'm really sorry. I promise we'll be here for you honey. It's going to be ok

Joshie: i...I don't want a..a replacement *tears flowing* i..I want Rocky b..back

Skye: we unfortunately can't. Rocky will have to live in the woods, forever

Joshie:'s not f...fair, w..why does this have to happen to him?

Skye: I wish I knew but, I don't

Joshie: *tears flowing*

Skye: look Joshie, we'll help you feel better. No more tears, it'll be ok *hugs*

Joshie couldn't feel better, he started to feel blue and really down. He didn't know if he will ever feel happy ever again, and that was something he didn't want to admit but, it was true. Skye decided to sleep with Joshie in the lookout. They got back to the lookout and went inside. They got all their stuff and were ready for bed.

Skye: goodnight Joshie, love you hun

Joshie: *tears fall* g..go..od night

Skye: *sighs*

She then had an idea. She went over to a toy box, she found a coyote plush. She forgot that they had the plush, so it was perfect for Joshie. She gave him the stuffed animal and he hugged it.

Joshie: *sniffs* t..thanks Skye

Skye: your welcome Joshie, he'll help you sleep through out the night *kisses him on the forehead* night Joshie

Joshie: goodnight Skye

Skye layed down and started to drift off to sleep. Joshie stared out at the door and let out little tears.

Joshie: goodnight Rocky, I hope you're doing okay buddy

He finally fell asleep and dreamed away. But for Rocky, he wasn't happy and not doing good. He kept roaming around in the woods, scared, alone, and upset. He tried finding a place to sleep, but everywhere he went, it wasn't comfortable for him to. He missed sleeping in his pup house, He missed Ryder, he missed the pups, and he missed Joshie. He missed having Joshie sleeping with him in his pup house. He just wanted to go home. He eventually found a cave to sleep in.

Werepuppy Rocky: w..what's wrong with me? *sniffs* i..I just want to go home

Wolf pack: *growling*

Wolf 1: look at what we got here boys? A little Wolf, stealing are are cave

Werepuppy Rocky: i..I'm sorry, i..I didn't know it was your cave

Wolf 1: well now that you're in our cave, we're going to have to eat you now *licks his mouth*

Werepuppy Rocky: don't. I..I'm sorry

Wolf 1: TOO BAD!!!!! *jumps*

Werepuppy Rocky: *gasps* HELP!!!!!

Another Wolf jumped in front of him and stopped the wolves.

?: don't you dare eat this little helpless Wolf

Wolf 1: Ethan!? Hey buddy

Ethan: get away from him

Wolf 1: fine, I'll leave him alone. But I will be back for you little Wolf

Werepuppy Rocky: *gulps and breathed heavily*

The Wolf pack left, leaving Rocky to be in a scared state. Ethan saw how scared he was and tried helping him.

Ethan: you ok little one?

Werepuppy Rocky: i..i..I j..just want to g..go home *tears up*

Ethan: where do you live?

Werepuppy Rocky: I live in the lookout with the PAW Patrol

Ethan: oh, the PAW Patrol. You're part of the PAW Patrol?

Werepuppy Rocky: y..yeah, i..I'm Rocky

Ethan: that's a nice name. I'm Ethan

Werepuppy Rocky: nice to meet you e..Ethan

Ethan: nice to meet you too little one

Werepuppy Rocky: *smiled a little but frowned*

Ethan: you ok little one?

Werepuppy Rocky: i..I miss my friends *sniffs*

Ethan: it's ok little Wolf, I understand how you feel

Werepuppy Rocky: they abandoned me in the woods, a..all because i..I'm a..a Werepuppy. I...I'm just a..a monster, that's a..all I am *tears flowing*

Ethan: your not a monster kid, you are a good little Wolf pup

Werepuppy Rocky: a..are you sure? *sniffs*

Ethan: of course I do. Come on, let's get out of this cave

Meanwhile. It was morning, the pups were outside playing. Joshie was inside the lookout, eating special Pancakes. But, he couldn't even eat his special Pancakes. He layed his head on the table with his arms hiding his face. Zuma came inside the lookout and saw Joshie. He went over to the table to talk with him.

Zuma: hey Joshie, how are you dude?

Joshie: i.i can't eat *sighs sadly*

Zuma: I know you miss Rocky and I miss him too. He was our best friend and I understand how you feel

Joshie: *sniffs* I just feel blue now

Zuma: do you want to do something with me bud? It'll make you feel better, I promise buddy

Joshie: o..ok *wipes away tears* I'll try

Once Joshie got down from the table, Zuma hugged him and then gave him a friendly smile. Joshie tried smiling back but it was no use. He felt like it was just, never going to be happy. He wanted to, but he just felt, empty. The Pups even admitted that it was empty in the lookout, without Rocky.

On a cliff near the woods, Rocky stood there, looking down at Adventure Bay. He was still in tears, missing his friends. The ones he loved so much.

Werepuppy Rocky: i..I hope you guys are doing o..ok. i..I know you miss me Joshie *sighs*

Ethan: you miss your friends alot I bet?

Werepuppy Rocky: I miss them so much. I'm really worried about one of them. Joshie is probably going through alot

Ethan: is there something wrong that makes you worried about that?

Werepuppy Rocky: he really worries alot about stuff and he really doesn't like having to have situations that happens to.............alot of people he cares about.

Ethan: mmm I understand. I bet he's worried about you aswell

Werepuppy Rocky: that's why I want to go home. I want to see my best friends again

Rocky's stomach started growling, Ethan took notice and offered to find something for him. Rocky thanked him as Ethan ran into the woods to find some food.

Werepuppy Rocky: *sighs* I hope your doing ok guys. I miss you guys so much. I promise I'm doing ok

To Be Continued.

Rocky The Werepuppy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now