Chapter 8

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Wolf 1: say you're prays dumb little Wolf

Ethan: NOOO!!!!!

Ethan started fighting with the other wolves and got back up. He raced over to the Wolf that had Rocky, he pushed him to the ground and let Rocky.

Werepuppy Rocky: Are you ok Ethan?

Ethan: I'm ok Rocky now go!

Werepuppy Rocky: b..but what about you?

Ethan: I'll be fine just go! I'll handle this loser

The wolves pounced on Ethan and they started fighting. Rocky didn't want to leave Ethan, but he had no choice. He ran away from the fight. Ethan had kicked one of the wolves off of him, but he was starting to feel alot of pain. The wolves managed to make him weak.

Wolf 1: watch him, I'm gonna go find that little Wolf

They nodded their heads as their leader went to go find Rocky. Rocky was running away as he stopped by a tree, to catch his breath. He then heard something coming and he went over to a bush to hide.

Wolf 1: now, where are you little Wolf?

Werepuppy Rocky: *breaths heavily*

Wolf 1: *sniffs for a sent* I can sense you

Werepuppy Rocky: *covered mouth*

Wolf 1: AHAAA! found you

Werepuppy Rocky: AHHHHHH!!!!! DON'T HURT ME!!!!!!

Wolf 1: TOO BAD!!!!!!!

Werepuppy Rocky: ETHAN!!!!!!!??

Wolf 1: Ethan isn't coming for you, looks like you're going to die *laughed*

Werepuppy Rocky: JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!

Rocky scratched him with his claws as the Wolf started growling in anger.

Wolf 1: you just made a big mistake

Werepuppy Rocky: yeah, well, I'm not afraid of you anymore. SO TAKE THIS!!!!!!!

Rocky pounced on the Wolf leader and started fighting with him. They started scratching each other as the Wolf leader then pushed Rocky on the ground. To the Wolf's surprise, Rocky got back up and Rocky finally ran up to him and bit him. The Wolf leader yelped in pain and Rocky finally let go of him.

Wolf leader: you little dumb Wolf

Werepuppy Rocky: what are you gonna do about it? Cry? Just leave me alone

Wolf leader: fine, but they won't

The other wolves tried to attack Rocky, but he managed to dodge them as they slammed into the Wolf leader.

Wolf leader: WHAT!!!!?!! YOU GUYS ARE USELESS!!!!!!

Wolf 2: sorry boss

Werepuppy Rocky: leave now *growling*

They were frightened enough and ran away. Rocky sprinted over to where Ethan was.

Werepuppy Rocky: ETHAN!!!! Ethan?

Ethan: k..kid they got me unfortunately *coughs*

Werepuppy Rocky: c...come on? G..get up? Please?

Ethan: i...i..I'm sorry Rocky, but i..I can't. J..just promise me, you will do f..fine without me

Werepuppy Rocky: *sniffs* i...I don't want to be a..alone, please stay with me?

Ethan:'s going to be ok...........rocky,'s going to.....................*closes his eyes*

Rocky The Werepuppy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now