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The Jung and the Restless
FRI • 5:30 PM

Mariposa Campos:

anong feeling maging favorite ni Lord?


prayer reveal naman tayo dyan saint isha

Tricia Vergara:

Shh anuba neheheye eke

But I honestly don't know what to feel

Si Sir Dio pa rin ang nagmamay-ari ng puso ko

Ivy Chua:

wow you're really crazy over him huh?

Tricia Vergara:


I just ugh

Maybe it's just the positive reinforcement doing its job. Lagi kasi akong pinupuri ni Sir, e

All I know is I fell for him hook, line, and sinker

And it's so weird that I'm attracted to him coz he's literally a middle aged man 😭

Feel ko if some kind of miracle happens at patulan niya nga ako, I would just be that one bad decision he made coz of midlife crisis. You know... like how men his age buy flashy sports cars and regret it afterward.

Mariposa Campos:

so what are you gonna do with pierre?

because damn girl a suitor like that only comes once in a lifetime

Ivy Chua:

ano nga ulit course ni pierre?

Mariposa Campos:

of course

HAHAHHA charot

pero if ur feeling wild pwede ring intercourse

Tricia Vergara:

Pierre's majoring in BS Chemistry

Ewan ko nga ba't nagustuhan niya ako. Pero I remember borrowing a pen from him during student orientation. I guess he liked what he saw. Buntot na kasi siya nang buntot after that.

Mariposa Campos:


ako ilang lalaki na hiniraman ko ng ballpen pero wala pa rin namang bumubuntot sakin

buti pa yung holdaper eh

Ivy Chua:

BS Chemistry?

hmmm may something talaga siguro with isha and mathematicians haha

whatever happened with cecilio castillo anyway? never heard any gossip from you since you apologized to him via text

Tricia Vergara:

Wag nyo nang alamin

That man is stressing me out

Ayoko na lang ichika sa inyo since you guys seem to fancy him so much

Mariposa Campos:

uy gagi di ah

idol ko yun sa math at science pero kung ginagago ka nun sabihin mo lang

Tricia Vergara:

It's fine. I already said sorry. Tama na 'yun.

I'm just glad he's elusive like you said.

Sana nga hindi na ulit magtagpo ang landas namin.

Seen: 5:38 PM

Cosmic CrushTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon